That doesn’t actually happen They’re fine with that. Especially since our DM has a well-deserved reputation for setting up overpowered encounters, and we need all the edge we can get.
That’s basically what I do, yes. Besides, the other players know my ability loadout by now and offer me input, along the lines of “Can you Fey Step me to this spot on your first turn?”
Incidentally, I have a peeve about eladrin and Fey Step. In theory, the eladrin’s season and the accompanying secondary effect is supposed to be mostly flavor. In practice, spring eladrin are so consistently more useful than the other three seasons that there’s no reason to switch, especially at higher levels. The ability to teleport your allies by touch, as a bonus action, is huge, especially now that Fey Step has been buffed from one use per short rest to proficiency bonus times per long rest. And while it’s a powerful tool for battlefield control, a specialization mechanic where one choice is consistently better than the rest is not well-balanced.
I’ve teleported a friend away and then gaslit a third person into thinking nobody else was sitting with them, I’ve teleported at least one person into the air above someone else’s table, and I’ve reacted to my druid turning into a bear to teleport them immediately into someone’s face as an intimidation tactic.
Because swashbucklers are all about the drama, I’ve also teleported next to an enemy, hit them with Booming Blade (+ sneak attack, because swashbuckler), and then run away without being hit (swashbucklers are obnoxious)
My eladrin bard is in love with the stoic human fighter/barbarian. (She also has the Noble background and her usual attire is a blue dress. It’s not exactly a subtle reference.) Gameplay-wise it translates into prioritizing him; her usual mode of engagement is a teleport spam, using Fey Step and Dimension Door to teleport the fighter either into the fray or out when things go south. Once she teleported him out of an ooze when they were both eaten.
No I just can’t handle the absolute stupidity that part of the country continues to breed into the populace fromt he whole of Jutland, Tønder excluded because of one fond memory of someone loudly yelling MOJN early in the morning when I was passing by once.
Well the current prime minister is from Jutland, so I guess you get a point on that count. The rest sounds like a series of personal experiences that, while valid, aren’t necessarily a fair representation of a couple million people. To each their own I suppose.
Most of the top politicians are either from Jutland or moved to CPH, which is also a hell hole.
Oh no, I dislike approx 50% of the population how will I ever cope…
If it makes you feel better I don’t like the capitol folk either, and I unfortunately live closer to them.
It seems like you’ve decided to double down on writing off a tonne of people you’ve never met, writing everyone off as LGBTQIA+ intolerant, incestuous, stupid, and overall sucky. Your words, lest you wonder. Not only that, but you’re trumpeting it in public as a perceived fact.
What made you think that would go down well?
I’m gonna walk away from this discussion before I end up saying something I’d reasonably regret. From one internet stranger to another though, you should return the high horse to the store if you can.
Your way of interpreting, all I did was point out there’s a lot more of those cases over there than where I live :^) If you read that as me calling you all incestous, queerphobic, dumb [REDACTED] then that’s on you and how you read into my quips made with a funny tee-hee note in mind over me wanting the snow and not wanting to leave my regional area.
Oh no, I’ve been vocal about it to several jutlanders I actually do know. Some agree, some call me a “Dum københavner” in jest as they know I really do not care as long as someones not being a massive bumhole.
Bold of you to think I think at all. Et tu brutus
Nah I’m good fam, maybe familiarize yourself with the Peeves regulars before jumping to conclussions xoxo
You should also come off of your own high horse, would do some good for you in the long run.
Ps. this is peeves, not haha we love everyone all the time thread.
Oh, they’re still finding those in your place too huh? Same here, along with seamines.
Speaking of the sea, I saw Jaws again a few days ago, and while the movie is almost 50 years old now, I cannot help but appreciate how they went about the shark’s presence. You only knew he was there due to camera-work and the signature soundtrack starting to play, but you never actually -see- the shark until much later in the film. And when you finally do see him the first time, it looks scary as hell. ( And no, it’s not the famous “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” scene but a little earlier when the shark enters the lake and devours a man near the protagonist’s son. )
Sadly not long after that, even in Jaws 2, they moved away from “hint at the monster’s presence” to immedeatly show the monster sending limbs flying in all directions. And ofcourse, monster-movies aren’t meant to be super-serious, but I do find that quiet moments and just hinting at the beast’s presence can work well.