Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

My Khajiit vampire is the type to just burn your door down so won’t work on her.

They have one already. Lost clothes.

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Not sure that’s the only issue…

Edit: Oh god why are comic book x-men fans like this?? Why can’t they be normal for like 5 seconds???

Also; skeletal Dracthyr form when Blizz, huh?

Also other visage forms please/ We don’t need the fancy jewelry, just give us the scales and eyes.


Eyes and horns should be enough.
Probably easier than scales.

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Apparently the scales can be transported easily too which is why I included them.

I forgot about the horns though! Them too


If they add a no scales option across the board… yes.

I mostly want the tank spec we are almost certainly not getting, but more visage options would also be nice

Dracthyr don’t need a tank spec.

Shaman need an earth tank spec though.

Either could have an earth based tank spec and I’d be happy.

It’s back…

Keep your gun powder dry and your napalm warm.

WHy is stairshed nude and only wearing a tabard??

I’m either being devilishly horny on main or the forums have decided not to display the darkmoon harlequin outfit after working fine for a while, take your pick

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I pray for the latter, nude undead is not what I had in mind or wanted to see today.
I still remember the Akru thread of yore when Cata/MoP was the current expac


Why do you invoke such a cursed memory.

Because that is the first thing to come to mind when someone mentions undead and horny together in any context and it scarred me for life.


Get your Gomez game on obv.


The system for the character menu ingame and on the forums is pretty random about displaying the trading post gear.

listen, listen: mage tanks.

After the dracthyr stole time reversal healing for a spec I don’t have much hope for our bookish types besides being increasingly ineffective artillery and portal monkeys.