Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Meanwhile all but one of my forsaken are stick people and my DK just wants to read.


“I don’t want to be a shaman, I want to be an assassination rogue!”

My orc rogue - “yeah… you may not want to tell your parents that”

That was one thing that I didn’t catch details on - what’s up with the Shattered Hand these days? Up to now they were fully separated from their clan roots and became an organisation to mirror SI:7 as the Horde’s general assassination and espionage branch.

So what’s the deal now? Are there two Shattered Hands? Are the non-orcish agents now clan members? Do they get kosh’harg invites?

I’d presume there’s two separate ones. The Shattered Hand (Clan) probably doesn’t have all of its members in the assassin business - someone’s gotta do the laundry - and the Shattered Hand (Organisation) aren’t all orcs, so they’re probably not part of the clan.

Do you have any idea how much laundry there is in the spy business??

Clearly we need a Pruned Hand clan, which does all of the Horde’s laundry and dishwashing.


Speaking of our favourite not-shattered-hands-any-more, the fact that Thega Graveblade usurped control of the clan without killing her predecessor makes the clan seem incredibly toothless. Come on now, you’re the assassin clan of the ‘you YIELD?! what part of “victory or death” don’t you understand?’ faction, commit to the bit

at least break gordul’s hand

Subversive action is at the heart of any intelligence operation. Leave rigid adherence to expectation to the bellowing warrior clans.

Shatter his hand, replace it with one of your own daggers - keeps him useful as an assassin while both honoring an old and cool tradition (and what could be more orcish) while also clearly stating that Thega is top dog now and don’t you forget it

It’s a power move.
“I beat you once, and no matter how you plan, no matter how you scheme, no matter what you plot, I will beat you again. Stay alive and stew in it, because I have nothing to fear from you.”


I can begrudgingly accept the power move of leaving him alive, but alive and uninjured makes me think that she just asked nicely to be in charge

“honey it’s time for my scheduled usurption of the assassin clan”

“ok honey :sad_wojack:”

The “I wanna be an assassin” phase either leads them to be a trenchcoat mafia teen or a deeply troubled adult writing questionable political tracts. Either way, they collect a lot of weird wallhanger blades.

Picture thrall’s kids as chubby neckbeards in a couple of years and it all makes sense.

Doing an oopsie killing spree, again.

What you didn’t see is him offscreen wrapped up in anime bandages eating massive amounts of meat to heal up afterwards. There was an entire timeskip for it before the next story arc started.

Can’t leave him permanently injured, he’d be less useful to the clan.

give me shattered hands in the Shattered Hand clan Elly I demand it it is the coolest thing by some considerable margin about them

[my complaint is that a completely bloodless coup without any symbolism both misses a cool thematic moment and also, rather than making Thega seem strong, makes Grodul look weak - a small but important difference]

Actual peeve: Being told i’m gatekeeping RP by suggesting people should accept consequences to RPing an antagonistic character.


Stop gatekeeping :triumph:

I always thought the modern Shattered Hand was the Horde’s SI:7. Not really an Orc clan these days.

You’re not wrong and they’re treated as the horde’s big blob of rogues aside from individual member states’ specialists like farstriders and deathstalkers.

But now this.

The orc heritage quest is all about the disparate orc clans regaining their clan-ness and renewing themselves, so while pre-DF you’re absolutely right, they’re moving back towards being a clan once more now.

“Why ya kick me, mon? I been wit’ ya for years!”

“We’re taking our clan in a different direction going back to our core concept and you just don’t fit our model anymore.”

The Shattered Hand is a RP guild.

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