Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

orc heritage stuff was great but that one guy (the laddie) just being a smaller normal orc model is just so damn cursed

idk if the quest changes depending on clan but i chose warsong and being stripped down into my pants was a particular highlight for me


I saw that and I immediately knew this was going to be justification for orc child rp.

The real question here is; can you be laughing skull?

More context is needed, “accept the consequences of your RP” is a phrase that has been used in the past to push people into complying with the accuser’s power fantasies.


Anyone can be Laughing Skull, just put the skull mask on.

With a bit of “persuasion”, yes.

I wasn’t involved. I was watching the entire thing happen. A San’layn RPer in Stormwind being asked to leave the city… because they’re San’layn, by guard RPers. Throwing out phrases like “you’re salty you can’t kill me”.

Eventually just did the classic “transforms and flies away”

I mean they can turn into bats and do that.
Also considering the calibre of Stormwind Guard RP these days I don’t blame them for ignoring them.

In this case, the Guard RP was pretty good. Good of you cherry pick though.

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I’d be more on board with ignoring the San’lyn since they have no business being in Stormwind.


If someone is openly roleplaying a San’layn in Stormwind City, my assumption is that it’s typical bottom-of-the-barrel hub RP. In which case, if you’re not fond of that sort of RP, the best course of action is to ignore them rather than engage with them.

No one gains anything from roleplaying with someone whose RP they don’t agree with on an OOC level.


Doesn’t matter how “good” the guard RPers are, the San’layn being in Stormwind is still in the wrong.


Well that’s your prerogative of course but the principle of trying to force a player into a situation they don’t want to be in is equally bad. I’m not saying you should have San’layn loafing around (and I suspect they mean they are playing Darkfallen, and have fallen into the classic “Kal’dorei” trap) but that doesn’t excuse nonsense coming out of guard roleplay like

Nepotism, illiteracy, RL modern army procedures and titles being imported into the setting (tangential to the whole lore-insert thing some RPers like to do with Lotr, GoT, the Witcher, etc). Imposition of RL bureaucratic practices that essentially render the fun out of guard RP.
Who wants to RP a RL metropolitan bobby on the beat?

Really wish I could go around with a big stamp of this so I could smash it onto peoples’ foreheads when they intentionally aggravate themselves by engaging with things they know they won’t like.

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I already said I wasn’t engaged with them. I was watching as it happened near to where I was already engaged with some RP. Suffice to say, it was like watching a train wreck unfold.


You assume wrong, they are San’Layn and I can see them right now. San’layn (Vampyre).

Just throw some garlic in their faces then.

I already used it all in the pasta.

Stormwind Guards should be in Stormwind.
How they fill in the way they act isn’t always ideal, but they are part of the city and RPing them is natural.

An undead vampire associated with the Scourge and nothing else, doesn’t really fit that well. Well not in the open at least, there can be interesting circumstances with an under ground group, but not likely one we’d encounter in the day to day.

Warsong, Frostwolf, Bleeding Hollow, Shattered Hand, Blackrock and Dragonmaw are the six options for Orcs - some other clans like Burning Blade do exist, but it’s shown that their numbers are single digits, if any are still around and loyal