Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I pull my holographic foil Uno reverse card and play it against your Fallout New Vegas. I end my turn.

Telvanni are all chumps, true Morrowind chads don’t join any of the houses or they use the glitch to join 2 houses

Dagoth Ur, the building.

You rang?

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I bet you have a dwemer ruin down there. :rofl:

i push a game copy forward in your direction…

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Elder Scrolls Online takes place in the past, making this not Morrowind 2…but Morrowind Zero!


My brother in the Heart of Lorkan the whole place is a Dwemer ruin

Ok but ESO regularly gets Morrowind content and the next and upcommin update is Morrowind based :sunglasses:

Someone is being Fabulously high tech over here.

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Aeon is so frigging cool but I could never force myself to go down that route no matter how hard I try. I just wanna be a hero q_q

The fantasy on that path is so good it hurts.

Aeon stinky.

I thought the term was “Kama”, turns out that’s only a star wars thing.

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Mentally justifying every Lawful Stupid/Lawful Cruel decision to myself by knowing that by the end I’ll just retcon it out of existence so it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine.

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Hot take: Morrowind wasn’t that good


peeve: people stubbornly clinging to Lord of the Flies style narratives for humanity and insting it’s realism no matter what.
I do get why. Still frustrating.

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Just for that I’m designating you as the forum’s Piggy

:pig: :rock:

Turns out the indomitable power of the human spirit and friendship overcomes all.


This reminds me of a survey of post-disaster regions in several different countries…I really wish I could remember the authors and year. Anyway, the abstract pointed out that disasters are often followed by a specific (estimable) period of chaos and then a natural, non-coerced stabilizing in which people band together to follow rules again. Cooperation is a marked characteristic of our species.


You’re forgetting one major distinction there that explains everything. The real shipwrecked boys weren’t Br*tish.