Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Kama is an Estonian (dessert-)meal!!!

Playing Pathfinder and seeing the Kama as some weapon tickles me every time. Sucks for whatever culture’s weapon is also named Kama, but you will not redefine it as long as I breathe!!!

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Kama is a Japanese sickle and also a Buddhist concept about pleasure

kill 'em with kindness and uhh pleasure and a full stomach

(but here’s the thing, if it’s a SICKLE then why is it not under the SICKLE category)

the japanese outnumber you, they’ll win this fight (with their kama)

G-Witch really hit us with two heartbreak episode endings in a row huh.

Also the Asticassia counselling room Martin was in was an Utena reference.

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I’m just going to steal your glasses.

It’s our go-to survival tactic. The whole “lone wolf” or “alpha” stick is just fantasy stuff.

no, because our kama gives us superpowers (makes us really strong)

I really hope that new drone thing won’t be the upcoming HG release, give me Aerial 3.0 you cowards.

If people wanted me to enforce different laws they should have petitioned the unelected queen and supreme knight commander to change them

Checkmate atheists

Surprised Aeons even allow atheism tbh. “Natural order” of the universe seems to require gods, so it requires god-worshippers in turn.

:robot: Atheism is an error that must be corrected :robot:

The ED and the (so far) unused trailer shot* in which Suletta has different pilot suit colours (white+red) gives me soft hope that Aerial will get a new model that’s closer to her 1.0 config again, but I dunno if they have enough episodes for that. G-Witch’s pacing doesn’t hold back, and they’ve got only 7 left.

(it also shows Aerial with blue beam weapons fighting a dilanza in space)

But it could have just been stuff that got left on the cutting room floor, rather than a hint as to what’s to come.

Aeons are perfectly happy with mortal free will - they will simply be judged for their actions.

[Aeons enforcing the rules of the universe causing harm to those who act in ways unfamiliar to power is a statement on how rigidly enforcing law instead of focusing on justice and rehabilitation will inevitably lead to suffering, in this essay i will]

Gonna enact a law that Aeons aren’t allowed in my realm, see how much they like it then.

You gonna break the law to enforce the law?? little tossers, get chaotic’d.

No, you didn’t.

“But I-”

No, you didn’t.

Do elaborate on this one? Also if Lord of the Flies taught me one thing, it’s to, if I ever get stuck on an island with a group of other people, to kill that one kid first…

You most likely won’t have to kill anyone if you get stuck on an island

(There’s more irl examples but this one is the closest to a Lord of the Flies type scenario.)

I think people like to stick to the LotF stuff a bit too hard because you can excuse cruelty you experienced with it quite easily when you stamp it with “well, that’s just how humans are”


is there no good lawful type in pathfinder

I got to the first Aeon thingy in Market Garden and decided to keep it cuz they sounded sorta cool there, but apparently they’re just another l*wful nerds.

Aeons generally keep the universe from collapsing regardless of who is doing the collapsing and so are true neutral, but because this is a pretty specifically Chaotic Evil problem they correct by being extremely Capital L Lawful. Like most paths they have several variants on the theme but generally it is an extremely Lawful Neutral mythic path.

Very worth playing through at some point because it does have some great cool and funny moments but I think you would enjoy Azata more for a first playthrough

I think I’m an Azata Aasimar, is that what people mean with Azata?

oh wait they were the butterfly wings people

Azata are to Chaotic Good as Angels are to Lawful Good - being an Aasimar of one means that at some point your ancestors got down to town with an Azata or they liked you a lot so a minor form of their powers pop up in the form of you.

It’s also one of the mythic paths you can choose later on

Angel (of Mercy) is probably the closest mythic path to lawful GOOD as opposed to LAWFUL good.