Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Seems perfectly in line with these survival/building games. My conan exiles base looked like an egyptian temple complex but was really just a huge factory with former bandits working the bellows.


Turtwig is my starter in Diamond and I’m always partial to flygon.

While I agree that it could be used for the purpose of derailing a campaign, has anyone actually used it for that in your experience?

So many things are required if someone wants to pull that off.

  • The DM needs to provide a magic item from the plane that the players want to visit.
  • The players must be aware that these other planes exist.
  • The DM must be using a setting in which these other planes exist at all.
  • The players must have reached a point where casting 7th-level spells is feasible.
  • The players, despite having played the campaign long enough to reach that level, must have an interest in intentionally derailing the DM’s campaign.

If all of those criteria have been met, then I’d say that the campaign (if not the entire group) has bigger problems than a spell being able to break it. It seems more like a fun little tool for groups (including the DM) who want the campaign to be a crazy multiverse-spanning adventure.

The DM should still make sure that the players are interested in actually participating in an adventure in that location. At any point, without having to use any spell at all, they could just have their characters wander off in whatever direction they want. One of the responsibilities of the DM is to give the players the sort of campaign that they want to play.

WotR Act 3 Spoilers


When you catch Camellia in the act, if you choose to have sex with her you break the table in the room in half.

Though I did check a video on youtube to double check, and it didn’t happen in their run. Wonder if it got patched in, if a mod made it happen for me, or if it’s like…an athletics check??

Well, in the tier 3–4 games I’ve played, nobody has ever taken this spell, let alone cast it. There was simply no point, as the adventure plots and objectives are limited to Forgotten Realms.

As for plane shift, we only ever use it to make enemies disappear. (Poof!)

Well, that’s good. That shows the players were invested in the campaign and that none of them had the malicious desire to troll the DM and derail the campaign, which is the only reason why anyone would use that spell in that way.

… And if someone in the group is that much of a gremlin, the group has bigger problems than that particular spell.

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Bug Catcher Croecell.

On one hand - yes, but on the other - what campaign wouldn’t be improved by a visit to the world of Interspecies Reviewers?

Dragon Catcher more like.

I like my dragons.

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The world of Argent Dawn forums or GD would send them back immediately.

Dat moment that you manage to piss off a rival competitor AI in Anno 1800 by buying three of his islands from underneath him, but you managed to get a non-aggressive pact in with him so he couldn’t declare war on you. Now I just need enough time to hopefully grind my rep with him back up so that he’ll be peaceful once the non-aggression pact ends.

I think I could win a war if need be, but the combat system in Anno has always been a bit wonky, and defensive turrets have no right being as powerful as they are :frowning:

Noq to grind Tristan’s hat again.

I have cleared out two zskera vaults now and have not come across the rat

this is transphobic, give me my cheese you cowards

Its taken me an hour to get Tristan’s hat.

I killed him 8 times for a chance at it.

The 1 out of 10 times Amazon doesn’t work as intended, and proves how useless their support system is.
Packages sent to wrong address (gift registry hides the address), recipient can’t get any sense out of them, I have to talk to two different reps (both clearly non-native English speakers/typers) before they get the address is the wrong one, second one claims they have put in a note to go to the correct address.

I get an email saying parcel is delivered.
Check later on, find recipient has just woken up.
Online says ‘Parcel handed to recipient’, so that’s a damn lie.
Support says to wait til Wednesday.

Frustrated Skulking noise intensifies

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I very much have not been a happy camper this monday, first migraine and then finding insects in Gamma’s cat tower (:

So i have to bugspray my room tomorrow/later today then wait half an hour then AIR OUT before I can even get on my PC to play the new FFXIV patch. Well and truly a Monday x_x

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Ray Stevenson… :pensive:

Peeve: web image viewers that try to prevent right clicking by using tricks like setting the image as a div’s CSS background.

Due to the nature of web pages, extracting images from them is always possible; a determined user will just do it through the inspector. So really, all this does is complicating the lives of casual users rather than protecting from malicious ones. Not unlike DRM.




God Pinterest was so obnoxious when I tried finding portrait pics for Pathfinder, especially when the only good results from googling came from Pinterest (how?? why??) because APPARENTLY when you now google for ‘male elf druid’ you’re only going to get AI art results.

there USED to be a time where that’d just bring up people’s actual creation, uGHGhhg!!!