Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Pinterest is such a can of worms when you begin to open it up/dig deeper overall. It has a huge problem with AI art aswell as stolen artwork/photos from artists from other sites. Their entire business model is also deliberately built around pushing out images to google/taking over the search results so people end up on their site, at which point you are prompted to immediately make an account to use it in the first place.

Along with the whole thing that infuriated Lintian, in that you cant just right-click save.


Also peevee that just came up.

Highly conservative swedish author write a really condescending article that’s now caused a spark because some people(guess who) praised it, and alot more criticized it.

The entire point of the article/they made is that if people & or children in low-income families go hungry, it is entirely their own fault/irresponsible parents. Because rice is cheap, so they could just “spend on less important things and just buy rice.”


Ewh. What a stupid mentality.


It’s worse in the US, where they’re fine with school shootings, but not fine with free lunches.

so much for the ‘think of the children’ crowd


To loosely paraphrase George Carlin: “conservatives only care while you’re still unborn, but once you’re born - you’re on your own. They don’t give a :poop: about you until you’re military age. Then they think you’re just fine. They want live babies so they can raise dead soldiers.”


As always with these out of touch tossers, they should try to live that way and see how it works out for them. But also, can’t set a specific timeframe for it, because then they’ll have the end to look forward to. For low-income households it’s a frequently a forever issue.

Without tarring with too broad a brush it is a fairly consistent thing where empathy only seems to crop up for (vocal/publicised) conservatives once that specific situation affects them. If they want to put his money where his mouth is, see how they manage on “just rice” with a life-draining job.


Björn Wahlroos?

I think you can make a perfectly valid and solid argument, regardless of your political alignment, that if people have a job that job should ensure they can afford all basic necessities as well as be able to save for a rainy day.

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Lena Andersson, she writes for SvD, which normally is a fairly tame newspaper and only slightly conservative, just like how Aftonbladet is generally slightly left leaning and neither usually goes overboard.

People should be able to live and survive on their job without struggling too much. Even those without income for one reason or another who need to rely on benefits/aid should still be able to survive and have their basic needs met.

The entire start of the article before she reached that conclusion/what set it all off was that she was responding to news that schoolchildren had reported they fill up on food as much as possible in schools/certain days because it isn’t a guarantee they can eat the next day or at home.

Her immediate response was to call it fabricated lies, or if it wasn’t, that it is child abuse from lazy/irresponsible parents that spend frivolously on other things and that basic rice can fill up a family perfectly.

She also responded to the latest criticism saying that porridge is also a good alternative and there is no excuse to ever go hungry. And that according to her it is always just bad decision making and that being hungry and poor is a life-choice at the end of the day.

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Maybe she can live on only rice and porridge for a few years and we’ll see how well that goes for her.

no mineral/vitamin supplements allowed


It is the conservative way to say that ÂŁ200,000 a year is chump change and they should keep more of it, but also you can feed your family on ÂŁ2.63 a week so how dare people on benefits say they are going hungry

because they are hypocrites at their core - see the ‘protect but not bind, bind but not protect’ quote


She also specifically went into a little rant about how when parents complain that they can’t provide their kids a monthly pizza or similar as a little cheering up, it is only further example of them being bad parents and it’s better the child lives stable and can eat instead of getting some brief happiness that is still gone by the end of the day.

Who is this and where can i find them?

throw a dart at a conservative party assembly and you’ll hit someone who’s said something like this


I had to think which of our parties here would say such a thing.

The only party here that comes to mind is vvd, but those arent conservative they just dont like the poor.

 what the hell? This sucks

Its like they actively want to be disliked.


My brain when I have householder crud to do.

Procedurally generated levels/dungeons?
I don’t want another Torghast.


I mean, you -can- survive on those meals - But is that really the sort of society or a living standard you want people to aspire to or expect as a default?

I get the sentiment where she might be writing the article from - However, like so many other people, her conclusion as to what is the root cause and what is the solution seem really removed from reality.

Being poor outside of exceptionally poor judgement skills and/or genuine choice of lifestyle is really never anybody’s choice- Some employers and politicians to this date lament how people won’t work minimum wage jobs
 While at the same timesaying that we can’t increase minimum wage or pay at lowest paying jobs, because people are not ready to pay the increase in price.

I don’t know about you, Vixi, or anybody else here but nobody asked my god damn opinion when food prices went up on average 11-15% a year. Meanwhile most salaries went up 2-7%.

All these make belief experts with uni degrees and doctorates etc can’t even seem to remember the basic principle that supply and demand make the price- Anything else is marlet manipulation.

Instead, the real reason why they refuse to pay cleaners, nurses teachers etc a proper wage is because it would lead to increased budget costs.

Which, in governments case would mean either taking more debt or cutting costs or services or finding some other solution, all of which are either a political suicide and/or beyond the capability of weak willed men and women.

In a private company’s case, it means less for the owners. Which, even if you are the most benevolent CEO, is a real prisoners dilemma when the right things you need for the company and other stakeholders as s whole are directly in conflict with your own and the owners best interests.

That’s the real reason why people can’t afford things. And I bet you nobody will write about it in the papers because it’s true.

And there is no magic wand solution to any of these problems either. There is no amount of immigration or open borders policy that will fix the issue. There is no amount of babymaking or booming that will fix the issue within the next 20 years either.

Increasing wages isn’t going to fix all of our problems either, but it will solve one problem and not create another.

Asking chat gpt to write a cohesive, lore adhering and continuity enhancing story would probably turn out better than what Danuser has in mind tbh.

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