Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

New Total War game just got announced - Pharaoh - coming out in October.

I hope the beetle faction is good :triumph:


Rome… they did it dirty. :pensive:


All the Gamers™ in their bird app comments having a Real One, meanwhile I’m just intruiged and hyped to see the first pre-Roman/Bronze Age stuff since my childhood years on AoE1, I’m stoked.

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colour me Disappointed But Not Surprised

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Classic Limbaugh. “Kids are starving? They can just go to the kitchen and use this thing in every home called a fridge!”

Because they have this folksy saying that there’s no such things as a free lunch, supposed to encourage thrift and protestant work ethic but is utterly useless when faced with actual poverty. It’s a glib dismissal for the peasants to just work harder and stop whining because everything is fine in the robber baron run corporate state of america.

I spent the end of last month on just rice and it’s draining.

That’s exactly the problem. When we’re at the point where articles are written about the problem, it’s beyond a personal issue and has slipped into being a systemic one. It’s the society that’s failed moreso than individuals but this rhetoric and mindset refuses to recognise systemic issues and will only ever consider poverty a personal failing; A “you” problem.

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fun fact: rush limbaugh is dead and burning in hell!


Don’t get me wrong- I would probably agree with them that there are a number of YOU problems that can lead to poverty, namely:

  • Substance abuse (alcohol, drugs etc).
  • Bad diet/lifestyle choices (No exercise, crappy food).
  • Choosing an education or a career in an industry that is oversaturated (e.g. bakers and craftsmen vs marketers and management).
  • Bad financing/mismanagement of money (e.g. gambling, consumption loans).

But these factors, aside from the bad lifestyle choices, are not systematic issues across society. They can be a problem to anyone.

Moreover even if you factored them all in they wouldn’t explain why does 50% of your salary go to rent alone.

It’s the same when people want to reduce the difference in pay always to gender- Which isn’t true either.

Just like Rolf Harris as of today

rest in piss

Internet seems to have been healed. Guess the storm - that the region I live in saw exactly 0 of - hit something important.

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Polluting my murderhobo kill and loot game with kisses and stories? Gah. Roleplayers truly ruin everything.


Hate it when you see an announcement of an announcement
surely that’s just the announcement
News article: “Jimmy Generic will announce This Thing tomorrow at That Place.”
if you’re reporting on it it’s been announced!! it’s done! Announcement over!


“We’re doing a teaser trailer for a trailer!”

How about you… don’t? Do that? Like, cease, immediately?


The attention economy is a direct result of the clickfarming ad revenue system the internet has become under (current system).


So FFXIV 6.4 is a mixed bag for me.
MSQ is predictable and zzzzzz, meanwhile the continued pandĂŚmonium story is top notch and very good

As always, the little moments of the MSQ were the highlight of it. Most of it was pretty average, but the Garlemald segment was handled wonderfully.

I just find the overarching post-EW MSQ very mid, but this patch was just bery predictable and massive peeve at the end.

Garlemald is the only highlight of the MSQ stuff.

PandĂŚmonium on the other hand keeps banging and continues to give me emotional damage over p11 in particular

The Crossbow in Skyrim still chunks, it is satisfying to use.

Also Dark Elf Vampire Lord go BRRRRRR

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