Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

It is Wednesday morning, pre-7am.

Quiet screaming

A real one what? Moment of joy? Moment of rage? And if the latter, why this time?

If I have to take a guess, it’s due to the controversy that surrounds Ancient Egypt and how different people claim that the Ancient Egyptians were actually this race or that race.

This has led to basically any depiction of the Ancient Egyptians in modern media being politicised and said gamers being very angry whenever anyone with a dark complexion is depicted as an Ancient Egyptian.

I see that an ash vampire has left dagoth ur, the building.

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Insisting that egypt as a kingdom was a black, sub-saharan african ethnostate is also a grotesque ahistorical distortion part of a racist ideology borne from a very peculiar kind of american ignorance and a number of actual cults.

Meanwhile you have the marble bust crowd insisting the macedonian dynasty of ptolemy made everything of value, leading the africans out of a dark age.

So you end up with racists yelling at other racists and people with any knowledge of history looking like meek centrists while absolute nonsense is pandered to so as to either defuse or court controversy for clout and exposure.

The former crowd has actually dug its claws into pop culture, making calls for portrayals of ancient egypt to conform to their fanfiction. Thus further controversy is fuelled by pointing out how wrong it actually is.

Media just needs to stop pandering to people hyperfocusing on either the ptolemaic dynasty or the nubian 25th and portray ancient egypt as the thriving melting pot of mediterranean cultures that it was, ruled predominately by north african people…


Having ramses played by an irishman or cleopatra portrayed by a black woman are both things we really ought to have moved on from by now and two thirds of this “debate” is between idiotic racists.

Or, I don’t know go whole hog and treat chariots of the gods as a historical document. It’s about as accurate as this tripe.

Ugh. I am very peeved about this issue especially.


Peeve: glamour removal in FFXIV, unlike glamouring into a different item, doesn’t let you preview the result.

I had to waste a glamour remover just to make a screenshot of my character with an item unglamoured.

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I will finish what he started.

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So I suspect that the class/job distinction in FFXIV, as well as soul crystals as equippable items, only remain as vestigial mechanics because of the SMN/SCH thing. And even that is very vestigial because scholars can’t even equip post-ARR Arcanist’s Arms. In fact, I don’t think there are any ACN SMN SCH grimoires past level 50.

So for me, the obvious solution would be to duplicate every ACN SMN SCH grimoire from ARR that’s currently in the players’ possession, make job switching tied to weapons only, and remove soul crystals as items.

So once you upgrade your ARR class to a job, you can never go back.

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Just like real life.

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But then I won’t get to see people in the NieR raids running it as a Conjurer.

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You may if they haven’t done any of the class quests for reasons.

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Regarding Total War, I think it was actually a lot simpler for once. People raging that it was; the ‘wrong kind’ of historical, the Warhammer game being ‘abandoned’, why was it not (x) instead, etc etc.

Gamers were a mistake.

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Wasn’t expecting the petition to recognise nonbinary identities in the UK to go anywhere (we currently have zero legal recognition) but the response starting off with

The Government is committed to ensuring the UK is a society that works for all people, regardless of their background or identity, and where they are able to pursue their goals and ambitions without facing unlawful discrimination.

And then following up with ‘but we refuse to acknowledge your existence. lmao!!!’ is making me want to collect bricks


(Finally got my characters back so I can stop posting on Budget Telaryn for now)

That paragraph coming from TERF Island is also brick-collecting behaviour


Police are solving the lowest proportion of crimes on record - as overall offences have hit a new high. Only 5.4 per cent of all crimes resulted in a charge in the year to June, equivalent to just over one in 20 offences being solved, according to Home Office figures.

Huh, weird factoid from October 2022 to suddenly appear in my post.


The latest 8.1 questline has you Katamari Damacy a place and so it is 15/10 game of the century I stopped to specifically put the soundtrack on

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Shipping time from 4-7 days, says the lovely new shipping option from Hobby Link Japan.

We’re on day 4 and the package is still in Japan. I want my cute little popo robit with catpaws now >:C

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Started watching that Mr. Inbetween show. Was really hesitant going into it because all the clips I’ve seen on youtube seem cut an edited in a way that kind of empowers the protag’s violent outbursts. Heavy incel vibes and immediately reminded me of the Taxi Driver/Joker dilemma.

For those who don’t know, there were some talks on the internet after the Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie came out about how certain scenes were shot in a certain way that glorifies the Joker TAKING CONTROL OF HIS LIFE through the use of extreme violence. Like the dancing scene and the stairway scene. “These kinds of movies empower incels and school shooters,” said some people. “Just like Taxi Driver,” said some other people. But Taxi Driver doesn’t do that! In fact, Taxi Driver goes out of its way to portray the protag as a messed up individual. There’s several close-up shots of DeNiro just talking to people and you can tell that there’s plenty wrong with the dude - in fact, these shots are designed to make you feel uncomfortable. I rewatched the movie recently and I don’t think I found any part of the movie that glorifies his insanity or makes him seem cool for wanting to shoot up a bunch of people. ESPECIALLY the #YOUTALKINTOME scene. I’m starting to think that the people who thought that was cool (cool in the way of wanting to be the guy) have something wrong in their heads.

Deep breath. Back to Mr. Inbetween, I thought it was going to be some conservative fun faire of some manly man deciding society’s rules just aren’t up to the task and that what you should do is buff up, jack up (jack off?) and go beat up that dude who cut in front of you at the line in Walmart or something. With your newly-acquired MMA skills, of course. Like that one movie where that guy moves to a new town because he got into trouble for beating up a bunch of people at his old high school because his dad used to beat him up, so now he solves his problems with the new kids by training Brazilian jiujitsu really hard and beating them up and also he bangs the hottest girl there that’s how you get the girls you beat some people up namean?

But no, Mr. Inbetween is actually about a dude who thinks violence is okay but repeatedly clashes with the rest of the world because of that. His relationships fail, his family is endangered, he’s in and out of prison, he can’t adapt. It’s great, it’s funny, it feels IMMERSIVE, and the best part is, you’re not meant to come away being all like OH YEAH LOOK AT THAT GUY HES COOL I WANNA BE COOL TOO LOCK AND LOAD BOYS LETS SHOOT SOME PEOPLE OR BEAT THEM UP AND HEAR THE LAMENTATIONS OF THEIR WOMEN.

As much as I dislike cooperations latching onto pride, it still adds visibility and exposes the phobes for the frothing loons they are.
But do the hate brigade have to be actually dangerous? Get a life outside of other people’s!

Ok so I am about to drop a very hot and controversial take…

But how about…

Hear me out…

We cast an Egyptian.