Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Wouldn’t be the first time ( though that was more a temporary partnership).

I dunno, he seems more focussed on the Drachtyr , atleast helping out Emberthal personally. Which may not be -directly- Black Dragonflight related but, given they were made by Deathwing, still related enough. And he did help against the djaradin and save Sabellian.

As for enlightened centrist, maybe he is, but, for a black dragon I daresay it is quite a rare quality, given most of them seem to be boisterous and full of confidence in their own abilities.

I do agree though that he -should- have been in Aberrus alongside Wrathion and Sabellian, even if he turned out to be right about finding only misery down there. If only to help out his brethren. Hopefully as Aspect he will get a bit more pro-active.


Putting Deathwing’s child in charge of the Black Dragonflight? Pretty cringe.

What’s left of the black dragons are likely relatively inbred, I doubt there’s two ways around it.
And no, no Thralling.

Not having finished anything in Zelda: TotK but having watched lots of content my personal review:
Go buy it if you’re looking for a single player game with lots of side quest/activity stuff, a decent to good Zelda story and don’t mind having your Switch not in hand held mode.
Hand held is playable but personally I find it really difficult to see stuff. Small things just blend in too much with the surroundings.

Building random contraptions is great, exploring is fun, boss fights aren’t too complicated. Overworld enemies do a bit too much dmg imo. Really easy to get one shot early on. Puzzles can be a bit odd at times and you can skip a lot of them with things like rockets or a long stick.

You can upgrade normal horses now so you can pick any coat colour you want. They didn’t change anything about how those handle so if you didn’t like riding in BotW you’re still going to dislike it. Thankfully there’s plenty of other ways to get around once you upgrade your battery and get access to the right parts.

Overall it do be good game.

They should’ve bullied Nozdormu into dragging an uncorrupted Neltharion from an alternative timeline to be the new black aspect.

Want to get rid of Deathwing’s legacy? Simply create a new Deathwing! One that’s not as bad a guy!

Legitimately this is something has actually put me off from playing it. Hearing people say they spent 50 hours on tutorial island just made me think it’ll take me years to get through it, and I’d rather put my time into smaller games.

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I spend like an hour or two on tutorial island, even with taking my time and looking for Koroks here and there. Unlocking all the abilities took me forever tho.
But yeah if you’re not on the market for something that will cause you to get sidetracked every second step I’d look elsewhere.

I mean… you still can totally go straight from tutorial island to the last boss. So technically you could get through the main story really quickly if you can find the weapons for it.

Oh, also you can get the amiibo armours from the first game without the amiibos now. Lots of fashion.

Maybe if his focus on the dracthyr was less of an escape from everything else going on I’d mind it less, but especially in the Aberrus case I found it deeply bizarre and it made me completely write him off.

I think he could be cool but sadly I can not compliment a character based on his wasted potential.

For me, having not yet played Aberrus, I don’t have an issue with Ebyssian. He’s a cool character and I enjoyed his scene with Emberthal. It also doesn’t really surprise me that they went with the more peaceful, introspective character to take on the mantle of the Black Dragonflight – he’s the ultimate uno reverse of Deathwing, more inclined to be a warder rather than the experimental scientist Neltharion seems to have been.

He gets a bit of a Baine treatment imo from the segments of the fanbase I’m exposed to – aka a lot of overwrought vitriol. I don’t think Baine is a bad character either, he’s perfectly serviceable just like (most of) the rest of the cast.


In terms of quality and storytelling, the questline serves the purpose. It’s decent, doesn’t stand out, and delivers what is needed.

While I have some minor problems - what’s with all these characters suddenly being so humble and identical in personality to one another - I’m mostly okay with the storyline of Dragonflight.

I look forward seeing the blue dragons’ one, I’m so happy Malygos wasn’t done dirty again.

Edit. Also his visage is sooo cool.

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The scene where he went “no both sides should get along” right after Sabellian straight up called Wrathion sacrificial fodder to his face? He deserves the vitriol.

…but also none of the black dragon bros came out of 10.1 with their characters intact.
Ebyssian shows no friendship or brotherly bond with Wrathion, despite the latter saving the former and them bonding in BfA.
Sabellian shows none of the respect he has for his family, even though that’s part of his appeal as Aspect.
Wrathion shows none of the care for the Dracthyr, even though they’re basically the same - experiments.

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I did say I ain’t played Aberrus yet!!!

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

open the emojis
go all the way down

:dracthyr_uwahh_animated: what have you done

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:
I’ve set them free

Wait, did they add the emojis to the forums?


Oh my they’re dracthyr blobcat

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:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:



:dracthyr_uwahh_animated: Oh noooo

:dracthyr_yay_animated: A triumphant roar echoes from atop the Seat of the Aspects as Nasz’uro, the Unbound Legacy is formed. :dracthyr_nod: