Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I ultimately think they’re going to end up like pandaren and Demon Hunters. Pretty stagnant once their expansion is over.

Blythan you’re supposed to look at the pictures, not chuck it at tarnished heads.

If it works it ain’t stupid.

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yet i dread:

What’s next?

I keep having a love-hate relationship with FFXIV because it has an amazing story gated behind reaction- and attention-demanding gameplay that I’m sure dozens of people don’t enjoy. Dozens!

Primarly because they do not fold up their wings to reduce wind resistance, guaranteeing they’d get thrown out of the saddle. How was this ever approved?

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idk to me its more like a human piggybacking another human everywhere around town


This could (and should) be fixed really easily by making soar proper flight, which does make it annoyingly awkward. At least we got the auto-visage toggle thingamajik to reduce how often it happens.


Ouuchie. My mind had healed from the cringe.

oh yeah don’t get me started about visages

ok but lowkey what’s wrong in this picture

as long as they are adding new customization as opposed to removing it’s fine to add cutesy stuff or more androgynous looks

the visages from dracthyr were really cool and based part of the class actually.

(i have no idea what this is from)

Too late. Rant for the catharsis.

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If anyone is interested in a decent looking flying mount for their Dracthyr go get any of the flying disks. They look decent on those, imo.

yeah, I’m not bothered by it either
sure it’s a different style than the really old things but this style of comic stuff simply ages way better than the old things
and you can still make more - for the lack of better word - brutal or grounded looking things with this style
just don’t smooth it out too much

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am i rly the only one seeing it



i hate the furrification of the races in dragonflight.
Edit: I won’t even link Furlborg because somehow they are even worse

Quilboar are the gold standard from BFA. Their new models stayed true to their original ones.

yes :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Also, the gnolls stay true too, Blizzard simply got better at showing fur


An unbalanced nightmare in terms of modelling and animation

A good translation into something that can handle more fidelity for rigging but you don’t enjoy the art style.


One eternity later…
We wait.

that’s mostly it.

The Quilboar look excellent. They do not look fluffy or cutesy or overly comical, they look savage and mean, just like their old models.

The old gnoll models looked primal, savage and nasty. This is completely missing from the new models. They look way too polished.

on top of that the very prominent hunch that gnolls and furlborg both have has been cut down and smoothed out significantly.

Preserve the curve, reject the straight back

Dracthyr are just the result of Blizzard’s art direction and I think they look fine, honestly. Aesthetics are rarely where Blizzard falls over.

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I feel they need slightly bigger heads, but outside of that they’re fine really.
They fit in as much as any other lizardman would.