Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Was going to go back and rewatch Code Geass (for like the fifth time) since Ichiro Okouchi did the screenplay for both it and Witch from Mercury (and Princess Principal). Turns out the totally legit copy I have saved has the Japanese cast commentary on it, so I’m listening to that instead.

Important lore information:-

  • Slash Harkens were invented for the show because they wanted an “economical” weapon that the Japanese terrorists/resistancecould use that didn’t require ammunition, which would be hard to keep stocked.
  • The guy who plays Jeremiah “Orange-kun” Gottwald originally auditioned to play Lelouch, but the moment he did so the director knew he wanted him for Jeremiah instead.
    -Their average VA cast per episode was around 25 people, which was apparently double that of most other anime averages at the time.
  • Jun Fukuyama (Lelouch’s actual VA) thinks that Villetta is the sexiest Code Geass character.

Sadly it doesn’t look like every episode has commentary, next one that does is 5, so it’s back to just watching the show normally, I guess :roll_eyes:

I love Code Geass, but the most recent movie from a few years back is the most “why did you even make this?” kind of movie I’ve ever seen. The show had an excellent ending and the film contributes literally nothing and even devalues the show.

It canonised my headcanon from the ending of the show so I was fine with it.

It was an absolute cashgrab of a movie though.

going from assassination to feral is going to take some getting used to.

Macro /s meow to every combo point finisher.




Then a 1 in 20 chance to get a; moof

Your face is a butt

Meaning that running into Loras must be something like this?

See, I could never get into games like these. Slogs to navigate and then something random happens that’s supposed to be scary. Right, back to slogging.

Same reason I can’t with an entire generation of horror movies.

In fairness, this isn’t all silent hill is about and jumpscares are really rare. I can’t remember enough to count on one hand tbh. Even your first meeting with a monster, which is normally a prime opportunity to start the jumpscare counter, is in a cutscene with the monster being telegraphed from a distance.
The long walks through empty areas can feel like a slog if you’re going into it with negative perspective, but otherwise are meant to build tension.

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And that just doesn’t work on my brain.

window breaks

Oh, it’s the tentacle faced dog men again. What an ordeal.

You need to break out the really scary stuff, like “Zaphius has posted a 600 word essay on how the government should be run” to get Levey going

Painfully true.


Diablo 4 has not one, not two, but three Battle Passes.

Lol. Lmao, even.
God, can we move on from Capitalist Hellscape-ing every damn thing, puh-lease?


When I saw that I thought “oh is it free to play after all” but turns out it’s not! it’s a full £60 game with two paid for battlepasses!

Noped right outta there :wave:


They clearly did not learn from the farce that was D3 launch.
Let the ‘Find Out’ begin…

Daddy Kotick needs a new yacht. :money_mouth_face::hugs:

Im going to do a pro g- capitalist move…

…by not buying the game.

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I thought they only had 1? Or did they do something new?

(If this is about the Free, Accelerated, etc thing)

Well yes, that. But it’s still an absolute laughable Cluster, imo. Full price game, primarily played for Single Player story etc, and they’re trying to put F2P stuff in as standard?

This industry needs picking up by its ankles and shaking until the brains slurp back into the head… good grief.