Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

wowhead’s listing it as 3

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Wowhead is dumb and doesn’t shy away from rage baiting, tbf.

I don’t like battle passes either, but this is still one battle pass and those always consisted of a free part and a part you pay for. Accelerated is just buying a chunk of levels/tiers/whatever they call it.

i cry as i force myself through destiny 2 because that game started it and made it standard :cry:

I actually did enjoy the diablo 4 beta, so I might still buy it, but not right now, maybe if a rare sale should pop up.

Ah, you mean over priced game, because it also jumped on the trend of €70 at the minimum.


The shills tripping over eachother in that tweet, dayum.

Also ontop of BPs it will have a cash shop, lets see how long it takes till they slowly shift from cosmetics only.


Can’t wait for when the Union decides to make BP’s illegal like they did lootboxes.

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On what ground would they make them illegal?

Loot boxes can be excused under gambling, but far as I know a BP is like a season pass for DLC you kind of know what you are gonna get, right?

I guess an argument could be made about how battlepasses are advertised vs what you’re actually paying for. I’m no legal expert by any means but “pay for the opportunity to earn this electronic item” is bit of a grey zone in customer rights.

they sneakily sold you all what’s basically a sub fee because everyone was mad spoiled and whiny about regular sub fees, and they did right

Suppose that is a valid argument
far as I know its sort of like a purchasable challenge and if you fail to complete it you don’t get its full value.

I can see how it could be considered gambling since you cannot know for sure if your cash input is going to be worthwhile since it still demands a certain amount of work afterwards to gain the actual benefit, where a DLC season pass will reward you passively with whatever content is tied to it.

Its scummy all around and I can see many ways to subtilty exploit it, which I thankfully don’t think any business have done… yet.

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It really is basically a sub fee, yeah, lol. Need to pay for seasons or you get locked out of content for the rest of the year.

I wrote something a lot longer but in the end, I guess it boils down to the exploitation of the fear of missing out in order to encourage players to invest an unhealthy amount of time into a product, to spend even more money on the product, or both in the most predatory cases.

It’s scummy and tries to monopolise the consumer’s time in an effort to get them artificially invested in the product, but I don’t think it’s illegal according to any consumer protection law anywhere in the world. It’s just a practice that encourages and rewards very unhealthy behaviour in order to keep you hooked on the product.


…They did a Dagor Dagorath level?

Does it capture the epicness of the last battle for Arda, after which the world is to be broken and remade anew, and the Two Trees restored?

This is really minor in the grand scheme of things but it’s really very pathetic that they had to fake people asking questions about D4, they’ve gotta have enough real sycophants out there?

Is this some out of date April Fool’s joke?


Reminds me of the Blizzcon/dev Q&A they did during the pandemic around BfA/Shadowlands.

Where the only questions they responded too/brought up was things like “Blizzardlover101 asks: How has working from home been for you?” and absolutely zero questions about the game itself, neither positive or bad ones.


Blizzard stimky


Apparently in the scene where Suzaku saves Jeremiah from the purebloods, it was originally written as the Lancelot catching a hijacked jumbo jet that was crashing into the ground, superhero style.

Probably for the best they changed that one.

Also @artheads

Potemkin fanbase.

back home from the LARP field, surprisingly less broken than I thought I’d be and only mildly sunburned

8/10 would fayre again

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Miorine and Prospera’s dub VAs have been the standouts but damn if Suletta’s hasn’t also been stepping up :triumph: