Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

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this is aragorn+sword

You crave the thrill of fear.


He actually looks pretty epic.


Saruman of Many Colours: wears grey

Worthless, don’t buy this garbage

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he’s wearing rainbow underwear you just can’t see it


I do not. :I Free me from this evil (well I’m doing that myself by turning on all the lights downstairs… I hope someone in Hyrul can afford this electricity bill)

Rainbow Saruman when???

All part of the commodificaion of our very opinions in a click economy. It doesn’t matter if the criticism is valid as there’s money in just the kneejerking, reactions and twisting outrage into marketing. It’s in the interest of capital to keep us angry and in a state of perpetual hysteria.

Social media was a mistake. Let’s just anprim and settle our differences with bone clubs like the good old days.

Way to make a reach - I just don’t hold Henry to some high pedestal where he can do no wrong. You shouldn’t either. It was a question that I based on what I heard and I hadn’t heard of anything how it got resolved.

Keep in mind I didn’t mention Henry whatsoever when I mentioned the Witcher spin-off. Oh hey, that post that mentioned it got removed by staff, wonder why.

As white reflects all hues, Saruman wears all colours at once.

It’s wrong! Wrong and disgusting! The placement of the runic script on the blade is floating at an angle in no way connected to the sword!

Aragorn looks cool though.

Indeed. We’re more profitable that way.

The real question for corporations involved in media: are they making us more profitable customers…or have we become the product?

Both, as is inherent to the design and function of capitalism. A person with nothing can only sell their labour and now even that is superflous in many cases leading to new avenues of wringing money from our very minds.

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Volume 1, chapter 23, of why I value your posts.

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these days you’ll get arrested just for saying you’re english

its magic­

Asdfghmffrrglglgl!!! :angry:

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Wizards 1
Science 0

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tom bombadil dabs loudly

You say this like it would be unjustified

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