Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

It’s not how I usually sleep, but it does help with it, thankfully.

It attacks me at random intervals too.

Wrath of the Harrier orchestrion rolls selling for 1 million a piece now. My investment paid off as I have 4 of em.

my journey of passively making a bunch of money in ffxiv continues

I don’t think this character ever got a name but just look at his facial hair. Britannians do it different.

Oh the magic of adventuring.

Big mood, I’ve had issues with acid reflux for a while.

If it’s a common thing (like mine is a side effect of other meds), you might be able to get a prescription for lansoprazole which helps it behave

Joining a voice chat is like speed running getting stressed out over nothing for me.
Brain why? It’s just people speaking. We don’t need to be stressed or overwhelmed by that.

Time to counterbalance it with very loud music.


I understand that completely. Well, in my own way. So can kinda sympathize.

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Seems I got lucky: My refund of LotR: Gollum got approved!


That bad huh


Yup. After playing it for 24 minutes and after seeing all the videos saying how bad it was…I’m glad I could still refund it. Shame though, I would’ve liked a game through Gollum’s eyes, a fun stealth rpg in one of my favourite universes that got me into fantasy in the first place. Unfortunately… Lord of the Rings: Gollum was not that game.


As I understand it, a developer who is known for, and up to this point has only made, point and click 2D story games tried to make a “AAA” 3D stealth survival game. And it did not go well.

That about sums it up I believe.

Skyrim shenanigans done for now…

Dark Brotherhood storyline finished, ended the crisp known as Astrid, sadge about the others dying though, especially my Argonian and Dunmer friends, I like those two…

‘Stealthily’ took down a guard using Soul Tear in the Markarth Dwemer museum, because shouting in the Dragon Tongue is 100% stealthy as long as you’re not discovered, no bounty incurred + free soul gem filled.

Putting the Aetherium Crown to good use and power levelling smithing to 100 by mass production of Dwarven Bows, crafted enough at this point to arm a small militia and only 95 in smithing, many more bows to go.

Edit: Also sitting on about 60k gold now, can splurge on whatever I want soon :tm:
If I ever DO…

Same thing that killed Redfall.

Suletta Sunday.

They continue to not miss.


The deaths this episode killed the only het ships in the show - Petra/Lauda and Norea/El5n. This show is for the gays ONLY! Happy Pride! :rainbow:

RIP to both of them, I cried a little.
she was so ready to run away. You shoulda just been one conversation faster El5n.

I’m pretty sure his empty gundam at the end implies he ejected before Dominicus grabbed him, so he should still be a wildcard. Hope we see him kill El1n (El0n?) and take his place.

Suletta capstoned the episode with the message though - there are still some (Miorine) that can be saved. The title was ‘End of Hope’, but Suletta rejected it. She’s not lost hope, and that’s gonna carry her to Earth.

What could have been.

Rocking full Dragonbone armour now lets GOOOOOOOO!

Leveling fast via crafting and other such nonviolent means always leaves me too weak to fight level appropriate enemies.

So I just stop going to sleep.

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New Macross series announced by Sunrise.

I’m eating so fiiiiine lately.

If you haven’t played them before, both Plague Tale games are good for this style of gameplay - though watching the start of Joseph Anderson’s critique is worth it before committing because he lists something that is common to the games and if you don’t like it you will hate them