I don’t have a snare, I just consume my floating green doritos and make my beam do 99% more and cost 39% less
Edit: upon reading further it does infact give me a shield, but as pure DPS man I don’t have time to read anything but more BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR to the laser
It means pull more. Burn more.
Asked a friend to play DBD with me earlier, they said they needed a nap, so left it, asked them again when they get back on. No answer.
See they’re playing with 3 other people.
Oh okay then.
They really can’t go a single month without frelling up in some way. Lies, incompetence, scandal, PR disasters or just plain old angering the customer base. It’s like they crave the destruction of their own reputation. They make EA look saintly.
That awkward moment when some art you made to be funny for friends suddenly gets attention from a bunch of randos on tumblr and now your fandom brained blog gets attention from people far outside the fandom.
On twitter current and former devs and other blizz employees are rapidly losing their patience with it.
Diablo 4 having $25 horse armour on a $70 game is almost comical
Especially funny because Oblivion’s $3.76 (in today’s money) would be considered a steal these days
All the devs just walking out en masse would be the funniest ever. Just watch Bobbert losing his tiny, satanic mind. Ahh, the thought warms my heart.
What doesn’t warm my heart is my current struggle to Get Anything Done.
Brain: “I want to do things! Come ON, Body, work with me!”
Body: “I’m (mostly) ok here! I’m waiting for orders, what are you playing at?!”
Some internal thing/synapse/feth knows what: -Busy stuffing a crayon up its nose-
My entire biology is a damn traitor
If I ever buy it, I can’t afford to for at least three months and certainly won’t touch these predatory cash shop things.
I’m so glad that I’m not one of the people vulnerable to lootboxes, skipping ahead in battlepasses and whatnot that’s baseline for games these days, be it 'puter or phone.
It’s no fun. Half the time my brain wants to do stuff my body refuses to cooperate with and the other half it’s the other way around. It’s a rare moment of lucidity when the peak of high function looms only to crash an hour later into gravel.
Todd Howard, you’ve done it again.
“Did you know you can do everything online now, with no human interaction? All your taxes, bills, etc-”
Me, trying to just find out my tax account number and running into Another Different Login Password, Account Verification, Different Websites, Poor UI Design: “I will curse you via every deity alive, dead or made up!!!”
Someone call the 90s. I want to go back
With the way things are going we’ll be back to quills and parchment in due time.
Hey, I’m all for it.
If we end up getting nuked/Capitalismed back to the dark ages, I want a gorramn sword out of it, at least
Speaking as someone who has used a quill I would rather die of plague tbh
Speaking as someone who has used a quill I would rather die of plague tbh
Same TBH (Also used a quill before)
If we end up getting nuked/Capitalismed back to the dark ages, I want a gorramn sword out of it, at least
There are corporations right now providing for all your mall ninja road warrior needs. Sports gear is cruddy armour but mitigates blunt force well enough.
Speaking as someone who has used a quill I would rather die of plague tbh
That’s the thing. With the loss of most engineering knowledge the quill is covered in disease and so are you, vulnerable to the most basic illness because Lord Humungus doesn’t suffer weaklings and the last person that could even spell “vaccines” died 40 years ago on a chopping block for supposedly poisoning children with sorcery.
The people with medicine were plundered by the roaming hordes of ancapistan, the last aspirin sold for fifty(!) nubile slaves.
if you’re not prescribing opioids for anything and everything are you even a real doctor?
are you even a real doctor?
That’s the fun part: I’m not