Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

You can almost hear the dutch collective grumbling. But it’s blocked by a seawall.

It’s a fine commentary on Society.

It also works as a reflection on antisemitism.

In a plot twist we did it to ourselves and god is an impotent bystander. Still got him good, though for all the child bone cancer.

Now I want to know if there is a fantasy or scifi book or something about humans destroying their planet and subsequently themselves just to spite their god(s).

The grim reality is that we actively achieve this in worshipful reverence of the Almighty Market and the religious assumption that a failing biosphere is the abrahamic deity’s will in anticipation of the end.

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I know of a fantasy setting in which a people murdered their god because they found his justice lacking over their own.

Good news; my car wipers have fixed themselves (for now!)

Bsd news; the tanoy at work is stuck on, so we’re getting blasted by buzz/static hum all. Damn. Day.
I have ear protectors, but good grief…

Redpill me on this :palm_up_hand:

you’re trans :transgender_flag:

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Sounds like Warhammer 40k.
in which case, good news there is a lot of books.

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Biotransference was just a big middle finger to the rest of the galaxy.

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And ripping their gods to pieces, storing them into pokèball batteries of whatever was the cream on top.


Damn, what moving to Europe does to a mf :weary:

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Oh thunderstorm, please break the weather.

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Second street wide powercut in as many days.
Pain in the butt.

The buzzing tanoy finally stopped :pleading_face: hallelujah

After many years of not looking at it because the character designs are just so close to SEED it put me off, I have finally started Fafner.

The first series is from 2004, so video quality is uhhhh not all there. Also a weird glitch where trying to scroll through an episode makes it skip to the next one immediately. Dunno if that’s a VLC bug or something with the file. It is what it is.

The Forkrul Assail from the Malazan setting, they have a pretty warped and cynical view of justice that had no real relation to morality.

For example, if two tribes went to them for arbitration over withholding food while one group was starving, they’d kill half of one group for being greedy and then kill half of the other because then there’d be less mouths to feed. In one of the extended novels a character seeks one out to forge him a weapon and they take one of his arms and fashion it from his bone.

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Would be pretty funny if the bone weapon was made for two hands.

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It would be pretty in keeping with their mental gymnastics.

With that said, thank-you for the excuse for slightly nerding out about my favourite setting. :drooling_face:

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a thunderstorm is rapidly blowing toward my house


That’s some Ulric levels of justness.