Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

To be fair, even then you can see how heavily rooted in Dune the setting is. Star Wars is okay, it’s the vanilla milkshake of the sci fi settings.

Giant, flying lizards that breathe fire, hoard gold and have a pair of big, prominent, hastily explained fire sacs on their upper chest. That’s a real dragon. Cause that what makes me put on my robe and wizard hat and roll to seduce.

That’s valid.

Peeve; people keep using ‘vanilla’ to mean ‘bland’ or default.

Vanilla Flavoured is not the same. There’s a real, legal reason they have to be distinguished.
Actual, proper Vanilla tastes amazing, and is actually quite an expensive raw material.

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A general “problem” with wow. At some point you start noticing a trend of creatures having bigger than average hands and feet, as if Mickey Mouse, like a contemporary Genghis Khan, rampaged through Azeroth and contributed his dna to everyone.

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Smelling actual vanilla extract feels like a punch to the face when it’s in high enough concentration.
Also tastes better than vanilla flavouring.

WoW’s style has always been big hands and feet, often with pretty small heads. It’s just Samwise Didier’s art style

What we currently have vs something I would like to have instead


The left one needs to be even wider to accurately represent dracthyr. Coupled with a smaller looking head and generally leaner build, they stand out a lot

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Samwise’s style can work for monstrous creatures, like this classic hydralisk

Small head, incredibly large talons and body. I feel that this style was actively avoided other than the coincidental big head and big feet in the design of dracthyr, especially if you compare them to dragonsworn. If they had been true to Samwise’s particular 2000’s era Warcraft style, dracthyr would probably have looked closer to this:

Which love it or hate it would have been appropriate since the dracthyr use the demon form skeleton. But instead we got this.

tldr I once again ask myself whilst staring out into the ocean why they didn’t just make dragonsworn playable.

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Because they wouldn’t fit in the doorways. No, not because of hight, but because of the width of the shoulders of the m draenei skeleton they use (I hate it, so for me it’s a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich).

On a side note, tiny heads on giant creatures is very mych a final fantasy thing too and arguably jrpgs in general.

meanwhile pandaren are bobbleheads

This way of doing anatomy is a pretty common way in American comics too.

People using “mid” to describe things is also awful.

Aren’t dragonsworn mortals who pledged to serve a Flight?

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Right, I had draconids in mind.

It will forever bother me a little that hydralisks, built from the design of Tyranid Ravagers and ground-up designed to look like ambush melee predators, are a ranged unit

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Abathur would tell you this is efficient because it throws their enemy off balance. They expect a melee fight and then bam, face full of spikes from 30ft away.


Forever funny that i don’t play any of the new maps in Vampire Survivors “the right way” when I can just select Je-Ne-Viv and literally eat any obstacle in my way, including walls.

Carry on going out-of-bounds you crazy demon.

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Bummed that my PS5 (which will be coming with my copy of FF16) is not available for me sooner (so I can play the FF16 demo).

When’s your Ps5 coming?

Either on its release date (22nd) or the day after, depending on how well it gets posted.

If it ships early it might actually cause me problems, because I made sure I’ll be at home for on 22/23, but only by being in the office on the days before. Don’t really wanna have to mess about picking it or arranging a redelivery.

My 5 is coming tomorrow.

Or at least it better be. Running around getting essentials done NOW so i can be here tomorrow to recieve it.

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