Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Your pauldrons must be at least 40k sized to adventure in Azeroth.

I walked past a dude giving directions to two people who were looking for a place a ten minute walk away, all downhill, and he told them to get a tram because ā€œitā€™s a bit of a trekā€.

The tram doesnā€™t even go to where they were going!

Chaotic Evil praxis.

hate cake icing

I have no idea where Gamma is or has been for most of the day and not gonna lie lads it does worry me abit since there was a window open and she has fallen out before.

I do think sheā€™s in the living room though, I hope at least :grimacing:

Hope you find her soon.

Hopefully she is just hiding out of the way of the heat.

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She was! I just opened the living room door to a cat very happy to be let out.

But I canā€™t but be abit on edge when sheā€™s just gone like that for a few hours :sweat:


Thatā€™s fair, Leo hides under my bed and despite him not being able to get out otherwise, he still worries me.

EDIT: But he is currently yelling so i assume heā€™s fine.

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I wish Gamma was a loud cat at times like this, alas she is fairly quiet

Get her to sing.


She will not sing, only at 3am will she meow if I am not in bed.
She will however happily lie in clean laundry I havenā€™t put away


Leo is for the most part, quiet when heā€™s sleeping. Which is what he does under the bed anyway.

Absolutely sick of cats tbh; they sleep in a ball shape with their head in their backside and everyoneā€™s like ā€œAwww look at the cute orb!ā€, 10x million likes on Instagram

I sleep with my head in my backside and they call it ā€œCatastrophic for my spineā€, nobody posts that on social media :unamused:


While Iā€™m at it, hate monkeys too

I sit at a typewriter and re- write Shakespeare, nobody cares - but if a monkey does it?

International front page news. Sick of monkeys getting praised for things I do all the time


You know what to do then, my friend.

Reject humanity, return to monke. :orangutan:

Just for you


Anyone else seen this post?

Blizzard was doing so good taking tickets to report RP profiles, now theyā€™re back to ā€˜just right click report or uninstall TRPā€™

Welcome to automated moderation which is a lot cheaper and :poop:ier than your average moderation

This gets me everytime.


Itā€™s quite concerning that the content of the report doesnā€™t matter, just that a report is made. Free reins to mass report innocent people, then since the content isnā€™t important.

Man. Banned from WoW forever because some internet jokester wrote twenty reports on twenty alts containing only the word ā€œpolecatā€ and the AI moderation had a fit at the sheer quantity of outrageous crimes.