Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Are you talking about Blast Hardcheese?

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Wrex would be the patrician choice, but I understand; mans gotta operate the entirety of the (male portion) brain cells for this species, he’s got important work to do :fist: :pensive:

if someone says they are barely an adult in their society and you, a 30-year-old military commander, get the horndog after that it’s kind of sus and your negative rizz will not sway me here

u r wrong.

Skipping through some ME1 Liara scenes because I want to know what people are talking about and I’m pitching my tent with Loras here.

This is all your fault, Stonetower.

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I’m not fussed either way, and have never had a character romance Liara at any rate.

But ‘children’ do not go off solo on distant, well-funded Archeological trips, so…

Liara’s Mass Effect 1 depiction is a young woman, old enough to work and be acknowledged as an expert in a niche field, whose life experience is lacking because she’s spent all her time being a massive nerd. It’s not like Dragon Age’s Merrill whose innocence and naivety are really played up.


These are obviously very good/true/valued points, it’s just a case of the romance feeling a bit like you’re waiting for her to become legal, going from ME1 to ME2. It’s probably not helped by the fact that I view the pilgrimage of some kind of “you’re now officially through puberty.”

For what it’s worth, her actual romance scenes are very tender and cute - I’m a big fan, just without my self-created ME1 baggage.

When it comes to the current discussion, I never got that feeling with Liara - but she’s majorly uninteresting to me.

ok but she’s a trust fund kid change my view

Basically: “Neeeeerdd!”

Liara is absolutely a rebellious trust fund kid, but she’s actually competent at what she’s chosen to do with her time since becoming an adult

I think that’s a valid point too. I only really did the Tali romance (and the Merrill romance for that matter) when I was a teen myself, so there wasn’t really these adult concerns.

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You know, talking about who is and isn’t babygirrrl made me think of who would be babygirrl in rdr2 :thinking:
Arthur? Yes. Yeah. Arthur.


I would have to actually care about Liara’s romance option to bother to do that :stuck_out_tongue: (I like her just fine as a character tbh)

I don’t know what Shep’s canon age is supposed to be, but given it’s an RPG I consider that secondary to “Whatever character design I came up with this playthrough”, and the ludicrously limited options in ME1 for MShep mean I still really like Tali.
Look, she’s a geek girl with a shotgun, who isn’t afraid to call anyone a jumped up bosh’tet to their face, your arguments are all invalid.

Shep’s canon age is 29/30 in the first game, whereas I’d probably peg Liara to be around 21 but it’s hard to make exact equivalences when she’s a space elf

I did the maths at one point to figure it out and it’s mid thirties at minimum - Commander is a pretty senior rank

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Shep has a canon age – born in 2154, joined crew of the Normany in 2183 (the same year as ME1 is set), so 29/30

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Hmn, fair point well made.

Now I’m salty about no news about the DAD :egg: again. Moot swings? Maybe. But I blame it on the ME conversation…

i once again climb upon my pedestal and champion samantha traynor as the peak romance option

she’s geek
she’s gay
she’s not a squaddie and has to worry about you when you leave the normandy
she’s gay
she’s got a cute accent


oh hey those all fit the pilot in andromeda too

Shep by the end is chronologically mid 30s, physically early 30s (in consideration of the 2 years they spent as a slab of squelchy meat)

I like Samantha Traynor a lot, she’s the best human romance option, just wish she’d been in it from an earlier point in the series