Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

She was my first romance choice when I played Dragon Age - but again, I was about 16 at the time. Now I’m a Fenris or Isabela enjoyer.

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Yeah for teens it feels very obvious and work, but for the more adult audience it feels weird.

I still haven’t finished DA:O or even started DA2. But I’ve played Inquisition twice.

I’m in the beginning of DA:O when you go to Denerim but I had a game breaking bug and it took the wind out of my sails and the outdated gameplay isn’t doing it any favours. I sure would like a remaster


On that topic, I’ve seen fans of WoTR asking for Ember/Wotjif romances/romance mods and that raises some massive alarm bells for me.

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Woljif is fine he’s an adult, Ember is a child.


Woljif still strike me as a little brother personality though. It feels a bit off personally.

I like him alot as a character, but I just can’t see him as anything else.

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This will say much about my tastes but as much as I’ve tried I can’t play Dragon Age because I can’t get into the gameplay.

I’ve tried Inquisition like 5 times, now. I tried Origins twice. Is it a bad example? Am I missing the forbidden tech?

What is it, Pet Peeves? Am I the issue?

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For Inq in particular, my standard recommendation is leave the hinterlands as early as possible. It’s a beginner’s trap.


DA1: I’m boring, Alistair or Leliana, depending on playthrough. Would totally have chosen Oghren if I could.

Anders for me.
I do like Merril, but not in a romancy way, more, she’s fun to have around.
Fenris wins a special mention. Because voiced by Gideon Emery. I’m not a huge fan of the character… but that voice… Before I knew I was Pan… I loved that voice.

Blackwall or Cassandra.

Admittedly, I did go with Solas on my first playthrough… But avoiding spoilers, I felt a bit betrayed.
Also, I love dwarves, he clearly doesn’t.

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Woljif is just an immature gremlin in personality, but he’s absolutely an adult. Ember is physically adult (or just on the cusp of it), but she’s also mentally a lot younger and more innocent than that on account of her various traumas.


Solas is heartache, but you can’t ignore how smooth his pickup lines are.


Now there’s a problematic choice. Oghren is a weird pest who objectifies/drools over every woman he comes across.

Another thing I can’t ignore, is your profile picture.

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Yeah I know he’s an adult, it’s just my personal thoughts about him and his characteristics!

For romance so far, I think Aru, Daeran and Wendaug seem cool. Aru was sweet and wholesome, Daeran is very fun and Wendaug deliberatly getting into actual trouble so you can “punish” her is…something.

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Look who’s talking. Gnomes suffer.

I’m Scottish, I have a soft spot for dwarves.
There’s no dwarf romance option in any of the games.

Nah, the punishment is an added bonus, Wendu’s reasons for getting in trouble do have genuine explanations if you manage to get them out of her.

Wendu Act 3 Spoilers

The bit where Wendu shivs two crusaders at the tavern during your romance is because they were being grotty racists to her and disparaging the KC for associating with her. In her own way, she’s protecting her honour and yours. She’s just too prideful to show weakness in public.

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This. I posted on a few of my gnomes.
I get to stand tall and proud on Krezha, but gnomes get this…

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Babygurl u_u

Generally a lot of the “this feels strange” romances in big video games with romances are just a lot of gamers being in their late 20s to 30s now.
It’s for teens/young adults. We’re just old.

I can’t get into Origins for long either but for Inquisition it was just good enough for me to disengage brain activity during fights and enjoy the fact that I’ve never had the banter bug happen. So it was very much just vibing with characters while listening to some nice music in fantasy landscape.

And the only romance I’m picking is getting Bull and Dorian to date. Don’t really enjoy romance stuff in basically any game. One exception: Making Solas date a really strong willed warrior elf lady who could probably snap him like a twig. Because it’s funny.


So my DAI romances depend on what I’m playing.

Elf female = Solas
Elf male = never played one, open for suggestions

Human female mage = Cullen (hate the VA, but I’m a sucker for forbidden romance. haven’t done that since the VA’s bs though as I’m trying to separate him from the character rn

Human male mage = Dorian

Human male warrior = Josephine. Love me a classic disney love story and Josephine is so lovely. She deserves her knight in shiny armour :pensive:

Human female of any class other than warrior = Blackwall my beloved

everyone else is bull simple as