Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Remember your Ibuprofen everyone.

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You should try Cassandra.

Thom Rainier is a bad man btw, either let the Orlesians keep him or make him a penal soldier in your armed forces with a view of handing him over to another authority when the war’s won.

All i think when seeing that now;

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Damn, what now? Why can’t people be good?
What’d he do?

I’ve not had a playthrough since coming out as trans, discovering that I’m bi/pan, being less of a moron. It’d be super interesting to see if I make different choices.

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He made a really long video post in character as Cullen ranting about women, cancel culture and sjw’s and the similiar topics.

And got fired right away.


Greg Ellis is a weird pro-Trump regressive who went on an unhinged rant on youtube while in-character as Cullen, talking about how we need to bring back chivalry and a bunch of other stuff


Hilarious that he got fired.
But holy hell… Cullen is a good character(Sometimes), he does not deserve to play him.
Super disappointed.

At least Steve Blum is still cool. He doesn’t act like Oghren at all.

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Honestly, I think people don’t give Ashley enough credit.

She’s a pretty multifaceted character and basically gives us insight into how a relatively ordinary person might view these extremely rapid changes of the recent past. Humanity became spacefaring, met other intelligent species, and had a brief war with one of them within the span of a single generation.

Ashley was a competent, promising soldier stuck on dead end assignments on human planets because of stigma from her grandfather. She never had the chance to see the larger galaxy and learn until her chance meeting with Shepard’s team. On the Citadel, she’s a fish out of water, seeing it and alien cultures for the first time. She’s the equivalent of a country mouse moving into a melting pot megapolis. Nonetheless she’s well read and capable of changing her mind, as she later proves.

And yet players judge her by a single line taken out of context, a line that even her writer acknowledged was a mistake.

(It probably also doesn’t help that Ashley is statistically more likely than Kaidan to appear in ME2 and thus be the one to dump a bucket-load of unjustified jerkassery on Shepard, in effect blaming the player for being railroaded.)


Admittedly, I don’t put much thought into it. I played ME1 through once, when I was younger. And she got blown up.

My main issue with Ashley is her horrendous attitude in ME2 towards you. It’s worse than Kaidan. And carries over into 3.

No matter what you do or say, she remains mostly very hostile and “OMG YOU’RE CERBERUS!!1” every time she opens her mouth.

Her outfit in 3 is also a bit…odd.

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i can fix him


I hate that in games.
It’s like… I expect this from the Krogan, but he’s been super chill, Ashley, get yourself together!
Admittedly, I don’t know, because I only played half of ME2 and it would’ve been when it released. So… *Looks up date* 2010, yikes!

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there’s no fixing deranged murderers

[romances wenduag]


That said though, ME2 and 3 in particular has alot of situations where agency is taken away & orcharacters act as if you did another choice instead.


if murder bad why man hot


well he’s not particularly attractive so this question doesn’t pertain

he’s gruff and he’s brooding what else do i need


They should let you romance Minago.

Angel, in Buffy. <3

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