Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I just want Arthur Morgan to pat my flank and say ‘you’re alright, boy’

If you watch Buffy and go for Angel instead of Spike you’re going on my ignore list

If I remember correctly, Ashley and Kaidan’s dialogue on Horizon is almost the same, with just a few cosmetically different lines. (Good job, BioWare, melding two very different characters into some kind of weird hybrid.)

Don’t blame them. Blame the writers of the terrible, horrible, awful, no-good Collector plotline. Horizon derails both Ashley/Kaidan and Shepard basically for gameplay reasons, to explain 1) why you can’t recruit them in ME2 and 2) if romanced, why they “dump” you, leaving you free to pursue another relationship in ME2.


I’m going on your ignore list then.
Spike tried to R__E buffy. He had one hell of a redemption arc, but that’s not something I can forget.


That ain’t it chief, Spike tries to force himself on buffy and its never brought up again.


In my defence I’ve only watched Buffy via a series of youtube clips

(I can’t find a garbage can emoji to represent my throwing him in the bin)

Well, the spiike forcing himself on buffy scene is on youtube. So I guess you could watch that. I wouldn’t recommend it though.

Well, you’ve been told now, but yeah, no to Spike because THAT HAPPENED.

And because Joss Whedon is… the way he is, it is never brought up again after the episode it happened in and its very… creepy.


It does sound very Joss Whedon, although apparently Whedon wanted to kill off Spike very early on because vampires = bad and needed to be killed as part of the moral lesson but he couldn’t because of Spike’s popularity with the audience

He was also very awful to James Marsters when he realised that Spike was popular.


To be fair, that is before Spiike got his soul back (Why does my keyboard keep putting two I’s in spiike?) So it’s possible that with a soul he’d be a far beetter person (E’s too, keyboard?) But… I dunno, I have a history of being on the bad end of that.

Spike is very cool, and he looks like billy idol, those are definite wins.
But that one scene, man…
I’m choosing Angel!

Don’t get me wrong, love James Marsters, brilliant actor.

Joss Whedon is a “see you” though.

And Spike is just :grimacing:

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Joss Whedon being a hack writer and writing problematic things to enforce his views on every show and movie he touches?



you’re giving me PTSD like flashbacks to my cousin wanting to watch Buffy while we were eating all the time… it was that and Sailor Moon
I’m not girly enough for either :I

“You’re alright, boy.”


I have no idea what that is.

I’m not really sure what’s going on with Joss Whedon. I don’t keep up on these things. I’ve heard he was a creep, but I don’t know in what way.
I’m just trying to really enjoy buffy. It’s a great show. Sometimes bad people make good things.
I’m currently forcing my mom to watch Buffy, she’s loving it too. Not often we can enjoy things together, we have totally different interests. (She loves Giles, and I love Giles, it’s great!)

I remember how, all thoughout ME2, I was wishing I could dump Cerberus and abscond to the Alliance with the SR-2. But that’s an action the game doesn’t even let the player express interest in considering, all while everyone dogpiles on Shepard blaming them for working with Cerberus, which you, the player, have no choice over.

Then, at the beginning of ME3, you learn that between the two games, Shepard… dumped Cerberus and absconded to the Alliance with the SR-2.

Completely offscreen and without the player ever actually seeing it, even in a flashback.

Genius writing.


you say those two words.

then you add the first letter for both “next tuesday”

Before my dad passed, he’d watch all of Buffy and then when the last episode happened, he’d start from the beginning again.

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Its sort of my favourite insult.

But Joss Whedon was a creep to Cordelia’s actress, commenting on her weight and whatnot.

He cheated on his wife and instead of saying sorry, acted like; “I’m Joss Whedon, you should be worshipping me”

As said above, absolute horrific boss to James Marsters after he couldn’t kill Spike off (because its his fault apparently?)


“Let me in!
Let me iiiiiiiiiiiiinnn!”

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