Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I’m sorry but vagueposting is illegal on the Argent Dawn forums.

Even then it’s also a bit of a mystery sometimes. I remember when I had 4 posts just talking about what Dragon Age characters I like deleted for no reason at all. Even the support who looked into it when I sent a ticket had no clue why as the mod who did it never put a reason in and nothing was out of line.

Me not noticing any difference: :eye: :kiss: :eye:

I think sometimes the mods are just tired.
In case any mod human sees this for whatever reason: Hope you’re doing well in this weather. Pls remember to drink water. May you not be send to the General forums.

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I’m normally not the kind of person to tell others what kind of events to make, but I admit that seeing a pride RP event with a rainbow theme weirds me out a bit. And I’m queer IRL.

There’s no indication that such an event would even make sense. There’s no evidence that Azeroth has the kind of systemic homophobia that prompted pride events in the real world.

If Lintian learned of this event IC, it certainly would be confusing to her.

— What are the rainbows for?
— We’re having a pride party.
— What are you proud of?
— Our sexual orientation.
— …Peculiar. Do you get proud of your hair color too? Humans are weird.


I chewed a brief ban for using that sequence of emojis (in reference to Blizzard).

Ultimately the moderating (these days) is ran by an automated system that plays whack a mole once an arbitrary amount of reports have been made. A small group of people can just mass report someone and the post gets vaporised (or someone gets a week holiday) and, honestly, its never really worth the energy or time to get a post put back up.


One of the good things Danuser did was actually make a point OOC that homophobia and prejudice against sexualities & gender identities doesnt exist in the Warcraft universe.


I remember an RP event, where this AHG guy was whipping a woman for daring to speak in his presence. And I stabbed him in the belly with an electrified sword.
On my gnome…
My female gnome.
I’m sure he was upset about that. =D
But yeah, there’s no real reason to have that kind of thing ICly. Discrimination between gender doesn’t seem to come up in WoW… at least as far as I can recall.


This is one of those moments where you need to keep in mind that although Azeroth is explicitly stated to not have that cultural context where Pride would be needed as a response, it is (as far as I know) exclusively played by humans where that context is very present.

The context can be changed to better fit the world (it could just be ‘June is where we celebrate love in all its forms’ and fit in nicely) but at the end of the day it’s nice to have Pride in our media as well as in real life and I’m happy to sacrifice a little bit of immersion for that


The closest to it was the gender roles in wc3 nelf society and some really smelly rpg book content, which was declared non canon well over a decade ago.


Technically that would be err… Forgot the name of the valentines thing… love day?(Love is in the air, had to check)
But yes, no reason there can’t be a June season for it too.

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I’m willing to handwave the why of an in-character pride event because it’s an excuse to dunk on the 'phobe gamers of Argent Dawn (and there are many), even if my own characters on every other day of the year would react exactly as Lintian would.


Whole reason I’m here is a friend wanted to post screenshots of a conversation I had about that. XD
But… let’s not derail this thread into that as well. XD

A good roleplayer can make a reason why, it doesn’t have to be absolutely amazingly perfectly sensible with lore. It’s just a reason.
Sometimes reasons are boring.

“We like rainbows, we like cute couples, we are proud of how good we are as a people.”

You can’t derail pet peeves, it’s the AD general chat thread wearing a fake moustache and glasses. We discuss social issues all the time.


I just meant the Garmmash post, which then went a bit… stressy.
This post is far more chill… as far as I can tell.

It’s like how there are a ton of words which technically have a specific Earth cultural context (goodbye being a shorthand for ‘god be with ye’ as an immediate example) and we have to strike a balance between not having something be too obviously a real-world word that it breaks immersion and also not having the text be completely incomprehensible to the Earth humans who will be consuming that art

like, when azeroth already celebrates valentine’s and thanksgiving and christmas it would say something extremely particular to not also celebrate pride


Another example would be how a lot of NPC’s say “What the hell”. Without thinking about where the word hell came from.

Put up rainbows all over the Stormwind cathedral. Something something celebrating all the colours of the Light.


Today we celebrate all colours of the light, not just the most commonly seen colour.
We celebrate the pink, the blue, the brown.

Not to rain on the rainbow parade, but I have now tried killing Aivu and then resurrecting her to get the Saddle Up back and still it doesn’t appear.

I’m at my wits end and the only helpful solution Internet can offer is ‘get toybox’, which is!!! Not!! A!! Solution!!!

june month is cancelled until i can ride my dragon

me except i’m talking about alexstrasza