Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Those +1 skills add up!!!

I’ll give it a try later and let you know, because I don’t want to make an account on nexusmods and get Toybox!!! I don’t know why aaaa!!!

Work finished early. Haven’t really done much with the hours since.

Got plenty of miniature hobby stuff to work on. Lack of postal delivery/delay seems to have sapped my enthusiasm far more than it should.

Can draw, can video game, can whatever. Instead spending ages trawling back and forth through the same sites and Youtube.

I don’t know if this is tiredness, full on Depression or just ‘good’ ol’ fashioned Executive Dysfunction or ADHD or whatever that’s gone undiagnosed for 32 years but man I am fed up with it! All my brain can seem to settle on is that “I would be ok with just sleeping for ten years”, like wth :frowning:

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“now loading” = “jetzt im Laden” (now in store)
“setting sun” = “Einstellung Sonne” (setting: sun)
“log” = “Verarbeitungsprotokoll” (processing/manufacturing protocol)
“controller” = “Beherrscher” (ruler)
“sage” = “Salbei” (that’s… the plant “sage”)

For anyone who speaks German: Enjoy this google translate monstrosity.


At least it’s healthy to rant it out even if the internet overly encourages making every little thing a spectacle and every personal issue a public vulnerability.

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I realised I’ve made a mistake sleeping on playing Legion in DBD. It is surprisingly fun to zoom around as Susie and slashing people.

The anemia muscle cramps are putting in extra hours today. oof

Despite the new trading post stuff being revealed today I have decided I am done with WoW again. Perhaps forevermore, likely not, but for now I have let my sub drop and will not be re-upping for the coming month(s?).


How dare you. Get back here and… hm… raid?

one more time on the slot machine and we’ll get it for sure ha ha ha ha haaaaa

[we’re trying mythic this week, which should be fun]

I am much the same at the moment and I’m not overly sure why, Dragonflight seems to have better gameplay and systems than both BfA and Slands did and yet it is absolutely not enticing me in any way - the best I can say for it is that its boring, which I guess isn’t overly what you want to be saying for a monthly subscription fee game.

The RP community is a lot lesser than I’ve ever seen it before as well, which I think is the primary reason; its simply deeply disheartening to see things go down to a few hundred surviving roleplayers on what used to be predominantly a roleplayer’s realm (the last surviving bastion on Europe, at that).


Blood Troll Tmog set got me POGGING OUT.

The what set?

Blood Troll set in August for the Trading Post.

narrator: no

I just think the gameplay loop has gotten stale again, for me at least, and the trading post FOMO is no longer enough of a draw to keep the sub active.

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I’m gonna get it i’m gonna get it!!!

it’ll be my triumphant roar!!

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Please put it in front of my eyes.

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See post above.^

There’s no set to see there!

There is if you watch the video ! ! ! ! ! @# !@ P#$%% EOUIG EON @