Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Nothing like having move the cat to the bathroom bc she has an upset stomach and won’t let me clean her behind.

Sorry Gamma I love you but not enough to let you drag poo into the bed.

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Just helped a random stranger out. Someone was offline during Ahune. Group kicked them… they queued us up, next person could not join, because mid boss… I hate that, super dumb. Why are we even allowed to queue, mid boss fight?
So that new person would not have been able to get loot, would’ve had to wait for ANOTHER queue…

So I told them to wait, I invited them on a tank, got them an instant queue.

They kept calling me slurs and misgendering me, (They didn’t know my gender, so whatever, and I think the slurs were meant in a… happy way? I don’t understand people.)

But I don’t care, I helped someone, I’m happy.
Even if they were a bit of a tool.


Actual peeve:

A triumphant roar echoes from atop the Seat of the Aspects as Nasz’uro, the Unbound Legacy is formed.


It’s good then that pretty much every place has retained their pre-metric stuff in some sort of saying instead of awkwardly converting it… Which people would know, if they weren’t

whispers English

Not a peeve as long as it’s not Stonetower’s uwu

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The true way is to use both. :brain:

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The British measuring weight in stones like it’s still Paleolithic Era.


three cubit tall mfer…

Why are you bullying people who’re 150cm tall??

I flew around doing the midsummer fires and imagine my shock when the triumphant roar could still be heard in Outland


I just realised, Elenthas and Blythan are in the same guild! Le gasp!
But only one of the two are wearing Bronze Tinted Sunglasses.

You can hear it in the Demon Hunter intro zone too which is probably even further away than Outland.

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You can hear it on the strange worlds argus takes you, while in chromie time. And in war mode. On a character who is ICly deaf, while wearing an extra thick helmet. With a brass band playing in the background.
I should note, I’ve not tested this. I have a character without a tongue, but I don’t think I have any deaf ones.

Forcing my mother to watch Buffy. And well, this one made us both cry.
To avoid spoilers. The episode was called Passion. It’s the last episode Jenny Calendar is in.
I don’t like crying in front of others… there’s going to be some episodes that will make me conjure deeper moats than that one.

It’s a targeted attack against me specifically (I main evoker)

Shocking, I know
My priest doesn’t even have eyes. Not sure she would remember having glasses.

Imagine not roaring in triumph smh


Blind people wear sunglasses.
Though, that said, that is to protect their eyes from damage. As even though they are blind, they can still suffer retinal damage. How sucky would it be to not only be blind, but also have to deal with eye infections?

I am trying my best

(we’re starting mythic this week)

my condolences to you and yours

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I don’t think this applies to undead people who don’t actually have eyeballs anymore

Work work, roar boi
(I’ve heard many good things about a certain orange room.)

he do be analyzing our capacity for pain

Some do. :slight_smile:
But indeed. Eyesocket sunburn? XD