Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I honestly think the Draenei story could have been better/continued in a nicer fashion if:

  1. At the end of WoD, as originally intended, Yrel stuck with us.

  2. At Argus, Velen stayed behind with the broken & or died. Leaving the future of the Draenei in new hands and a new light, to find a new future with the Legion defeated.

counter argument: velen is exceptionally based + muscular and single handedly carrying his entire race

he’s the one (1) cool thing the draenei have going for them

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He is really nice as a leader, don’t get me wrong.

But Draenei suffers hard from the “Blizzard wont develop stuff further/new characters with the main guy still around”.

This is something they are bad at normally too honestly. It takes them a really long time to begrudgingly make a new cast of characters to swap out for the old favourites.


Yrel was also a good thing and not just because she could put a plated hoof through my skull killing me instantly


I really like her character development in WoD honestly, and it’s sad she was left behind as she was sold to us during pre-release as a new Alliance leader/key figure.


Hopefully the other Lightforged champions get some love, the Draenei could use a Maraad-like character who is willing to throw down



She’s OK at the first patch, it’s really her fast-tracking into being an Exarch that ruined it for me but that’s minute among the many other crushing failures of WoD.

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Alas, Blademaster Telaamon, what could have been. Or have Fareya do more than just sit up on the Vindicaar all day.

And ofcourse… T’Paartos!



And no Lightforged human leading. Thank you.

Why not? :frowning:

Mhm, Turalyon should stick to leading the Alliance. After all he’s the last living of the first five OG paladins!

This post was triggering my arachnophobia for a while. XD

I’ve been feeling a bit left out lately, I can’t do current content because I find group content stresses me out. I’m no where near emotionally stable enough to join a guild. Maybe some year, but even that I doubt.
But honestly, I dislike all the Fomo stuff.
I’m having way more fun doing old content and getting the stuff, alone, but late.
Shame a lot of it gets cut.
Group content is very stressful.

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T’paartos is a meme character and is best left in that niche.

Captain Fareeya would make a great notable character


Would be nice to see some. They’re an ancient race who’s travelled between planets, and they get one or two mentions every decade.

If more paranoid I’d feel like Blizzard did Argus just so they could sweep the draenei under the rug and put a pin in them… Then they remember that the lightforged in WoD exist.

Be nice to have main universe Yrel come into action. There was Yrelka, but she seems to have completely disappeared. Can’t even find a Wowhead page on her.

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Big hoof-lady hot.

Plus, she is a pretty cool character on her own!

Stay here and chat with the nerds on peeves, it’s nice enough company!

Hopefully you’ll also feel in a better place for yourself to seek out a guild in the future.


I will. I might eventually slip on to an alt and use them instead. Just to avoid any connotations with that other thread that went off the rails. Just in case there’s any bad blood between people. Typical, I’m Maghar and I can still make bad blood! Not to mention that blog mentioning not only this characters name, but my Btag name too. Great. Sigh.

But the people on this topic seem to be super friendly. So either you’re luring me into a trap, or you’re actually friendly, which is nice.
I just hope I don’t screw it up any time soon… I have a tendency to screw friendships up.

Mostly my alts are in my own guild. So I’m not -too- annoyed about the blog sharing the name on my Btag, because anyone desperate enough to find out would’ve just looked at my guild members and seen my alts. But it’s still dumb. They didn’t have to.

Also… Seriously, I can see some mentions about Yrelka being added in 7.3, then NOTHING, there’s some fan art, but nothing about an in game character… did multiple people imagine it?

Found it: Wowpedia says:
" * During the [patch 7.3.0] PTR, a [Lightforged draenei]NPC called [Yrelka] was datamined. She was renamed to simply “Commander” before the release of the patch and did not make it to live."

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I wouldn’t worry too much in the end. There are weird people, but having also had past experiences, it usually doesn’t end up being much trouble in the end if you don’t let it. And people here are nice and friendly :slight_smile:

Peeves thread is generally a safe place as unsavoury people either don’t come here/dismissing it as just “AD general chat” or have been driven out from past times they’ve shown up and got dunked on by literally everyone.

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I might still occasionally bring in an alt to make some comment, like my void elf to mention about hatcheries exploding. >=D
Or my Belf hunter to make a memorial thread to a lost friend. <3
I have a LOT of alts. They want attention too sometimes.

I appreciate the dunking on of hateful people. That certainly doesn’t happen as much as it should. But at least it happens here.

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The MSN nudge noise clip played in my head…

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