Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

This is some German language joke I’m far too British to understand.

screenshots came out of her doing some Really Gross Stuff With Teenagers (including but not limited to sending her underwear to them).

some big oofs, real oofa doofas, tugging my collar dramatically

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Had my first death in FF16, against an S-rank hunt 10 levels higher than me.

Then I went in on the second attempt and got hit like twice and ended it on full HP thanks to limit break heals. Swings and roundabouts… Gave me a whole level up too. Thanks for the exp, you big dumb dragon.

Yeah, my point was, isn’t this old news???

That is beyond absurd.
The ukelele, not the dying from cringe, that well makes sense.

Nope, they’re whatever race gives the best stats. XD

sadly no, but I don’t know the specifics because my knowledge of Miranda Sings spans about 15 minutes of content

According to Youtube they’re all half elves <_<

“Ich friere.” = “I’m cold/I’m freezing.”


Mine neither aside from the early 2010s era Youtube, but like ~3 years ago she was in pretty hot water because of the apparently same allegations (sending underwear, asking teen to send pics*), and she had addressed them somehow in the past.

Either way, I thought she had been cancelled since then but apparently not. Seems like any shock humour content creator from the early days of Youtube has well… Done Some Terrible Things now.

I don’t think BG3 uses variant human rules so they are fairly weak (variant humans in 5E are so good that only flying races are really any stronger) - and in true TTRPG style if humans aren’t busted then half-elves definitely are :V

I min max a bit in games, but only to the point that it’s still fun.
If I have to run around in ugly armour, I’m not doing it.
If I have to play a class, and I really really want to play another class. I’ll play the other class.
But I’ll always go around gathering unique things that give me power. Or taking stat upgrades…
UNless I have to be mean to an NPC… that shirt breaks my heart.
I guess what I’m saying is… I min max, except I really don’t. XD

Fey ancestry, dark vision, +2 charisma, two points you can spend however and I think half wood elves keep the movement speed bonus.

Peeve: there’s absolutely zero reason for me to go into work tomorrow, and yet I will still be waking up at 6am to drag my carcass in for 7.30 and then probably hang around for a few hours until the powers than be finally let us all amscray for the weekend.

Weekends should be three days :triumph:
Ah well, at least I have some decent Marine lists for 10th Edition 40k planned out, and I’m settled on painting Blood Ravens~


Put the enemy up against the main enemy faction of the campaign, including a dragon: they trivialise it with very little resource expenditure or health damage by earthbinding the dragon into a massive canyon, and then knocking it off the edge again after it climbs up.

I’m not mad about that, it was very cool and creative use of terrain that I hadn’t anticipated.

But they then random encounter rolled a night-time ambush by three assassin vines and they’ve already killed two of the party’s pets and have them on the back foot running away.

Though in fairness, they’ve probably got it in the bag now. 5ft move speed enemies, even with a 20ft reach, are not so scary once you’re…not in range of them anymore.



I appreciate that the two memes of blood ravens are



“god damn it you magpies stop stealing all our artifacts”


@Stonetower I wonder if me going to Desolate Thicket to happen on the random sculptor’s Youtube Apology was a coincidence or not now…

weird area though. was trying to go to the place of execution but apparently the path did not connect there at all :confused:

I fought a major story boss in Twinside in FF16 like 3 hours ago and I’m still vibing at just how cool it was.
love clive
love jill
love torgal
love joshua
love cid
hate anabela
simple as

I do think it was extremely funny that there is a character called Mid though.

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Meanwhile I’m replaying FF12.
I’ve always been years out of date. XD
If WoW, I’m playing old content.
If Final fantasy, I’m 4 behind. XD

FF12 is a solid game!
Aside from the Zodiac Spear stuff. That is immensely stupid and existed only to sell strategy guides.

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I hate this enigmatic creature why was he randomly an orcish blademaster and how dare he die before giving us answers damn you spadeblaster telephone


Playing the Zodiac version. It doesn’t have that stupid stuff. =D
But yeah, PS2 version, I remember a friend bought the strategy guide and I was just like… I have a computer.
And he’s like “This has things the computer doesn’t, books will always be better than internets”
Ooooookay… nope.