Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I have a few normal army lists planned for them.

And then I have the STEEL REHN army list.
Everything drop pods, deepstrikes, or infiltrates.

Rude to not mention FF14, Soulsborne or - the one i talk abotu the most - DBD.

There are also cat pictures, no you cannot make me stop posting Leo pics HDU.

Speaking of which, where are they?!

I’ll DM you.

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like tears in the rain


Wait, you can DM people here?!

No, I have Vixi’s discord.

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Oh, right, yes, that… makes way more sense.
Blizz should add a DM function though, they tell me off whenever I reply to the same person too often.

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The thing is, this is meant to be built of the same system as discord, and as far as I recall, the base structure they use have/had a DM function, its just not enabled for us.

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Super weird, this also runs much worse than discord. XD

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Given I saw at least one post on birdapp basically going “GW, you HAVE to FAQ the rules, you CANNOT allow Deepstrike on Turn 1, this is UNACCEPTABLE!” I’m sure there will be tears.

And it makes me want to make that army even more~

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Indeed, in another forum that also uses Discourse (not Discord!!) - the framework the forums are built on, I guess - it is possible to DM other members of the community. Blizzard quite literally did not tick the box that gives us this feature, but also forgot to remove the pop-up message telling you to DM other players.

That being said, the DM feature is somewhat weird, as it gives you a green message that these forums have pavlova’d me into thinking the mods banned me every time I got a DM on the other forum.


I’m sending my best deepl german translation to hopefully get an apartment soon™.

i dont like being in a country where i dont speak the language well at all

Should have a pet peeve group on disc. XD

For my FFXII playthrough this time. I’m only going to use Vaan and Penelo. No other party members.
Since they have the least interaction with the story. Penelo has a bit, Vaan is pretty much just the players camera to watch things happen.
So for my playthrough, Balthier, Basch, Fran and Ashe are all very lazy, and Vaan is the only one who can be bothered to fight. XD

I just like challenges.
I might not bother with Penelo… but I just imagine that a lot of time will be wasted healing random status effects or restoring health, could get boring. So Penelo will put her huge mana toward healing.

Completed Heart of the Swarm campaign now. Ran with mostly the same units ( I tend to choose all the green options for my zerg), just changed out the Baneling and Roach.

Raptor Strain Zergling ( the one that jumps)

Hunter Strain Baneling ( the purple one that jumpes), usually take the green Splitter Strain that splits the baneling into two smaller banelings.

Purple Vile Strain Roach ( Said to slow enemy attacks but, I didnt notice it that much), usually take the Green Corsper Strain Roach ( make tiny units upon killing unit).

Green Hydralisk Impaler Strain ( Morphs hydralisk into a thingie that gives it an underground long-range attack)

Green Brood Lord Strain Mutalisk, cause flying long-range artillery is always nice.

Green Carrion Strain Swarm Host ( makes the spawning beasties flying and attacking faster)

Green Noxious Strain Ultralisk, cause the poison emitting along with Monarch Blade gives it pretty good aoe attack.

Let me know what you guys all pick, and ill soon sink my teeth into Legacy of the Void!


I’m impressed that you have managed to make exactly the same choices I did, without exception.


My current choices, or the ones I usually take? Cause usually i just go full ham on green cause I think they are the overal best choices, and I like having an aesthethic Swarm!

Still, damn, talk about coincidence.


The current choices in this case, though I did ultimately find myself wishing the map layouts lended themselves more to the funny jumping zerg and banelings. It still had some niche uses but that was kind of it.


It’s been a while, but I think I also make the same choices.
And yes, more chances to bounce around would be great!

Bought 4 games on steam sale hoping to cure my boredom…
I am filled with dread at the thought that there’s a good chance there will be many refunds.
More dread, this game already has a game save, with me… I’ve refunded it before!