Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I wonder why you have a CIFAS marker against you… lets look at who doing business with has sanctions against. :thinking:

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I have a lot of books for 3.5.
Players handbook, monster manual, Dungeon Master’s guide errr… My brain is asleep, I do have others.
And, hell, I had great fun playing them years ago.

But from what I’ve heard, 5e is a lot easier to run. And anything that’s easier on the DM is a win. It’s better if everyone enjoys themselves. Not just the players.
Admittedly though, tabletop RPG’s bring back a lot of bad memories. I’ll come talk to you guys later. Hope you all have a lovely day. I’ll wait for a topic change. <3

Ew, Farage, Isn’t it against the rules to post such disgusting imagery?

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Shame the names they did change the features to are kinda lame. Also “Discipline Points”? So I’ve got a DP?? come on wotc…

3.5 (and PF1 by extension) had a lot of stuff to like at times (Tome of Battle was great! Binder was also great!), but the sheer weight of content meant that a lot of it was trash or traps, that there were absolutely broken things (Planar Shepherd, Cancer Mage), and players were actively encouraged to deepdive as many splatbooks as possible and seek out as many different types of modifiers. I was also a lot more finnicky about multiclassing.

For someone who really liked planning builds and fine tuning optimisation stuff outside of actually playing the game I’m sure that was really fun for them, and 5e leaves them a bit let down by comparison.

But also that game design sucks and I hate tracking a zillion modifiers if I don’t have a computer to track them for me.

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I checked the fan-made FFXIV 5e rulebook, and the dancer is a half caster using movement instead of verbal components to cast spells. Which makes sense. The class features feel appropriately flavorful, though the spell selection feels rather odd. (Detect Evil and Good? Web? Wall of Sand? Polymorph?)

I just made it a Fighter archetype.

Seems good to me! (But I’m not a balance expert.)

Though doesn’t Entrechat basically turn this into a better Champion? You can get the primary subclass feature of Champion every other turn, and a whole lot of other subclass features on top of that.

Champion sucks so that’s fine.

(But also my houserule has Champion combo’d with PDK/Banneret

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Also, one thing I like about your version compared to that rulebook one is that it includes a dance partner mechanic, and a meaningfully impactful one at that.

Though I’m mildly disappointed that your archetype doesn’t seem to involve Charisma in any way. To me, a dancer class fantasy is about as DEX + CHA as you can get, more so than the bard even.

Update on my steam sale progress: 5 games bought, two refunded already, three to go.
Potion Permit and Sands of Salzaar were both… very objectionable very quick.
Let’s hope that Void Train, TSIOQUE and Pathfinder: WOTR are better.

Reconnecting with V Rising after a half a year or so. Enjoying it so far!

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That’s a fun game, sometimes… with a lot of difficulty tweeking… And once you get past the annoying hunt for a prisoner so you can have good blood indefinitely.
But I did enjoy building and decorating. <3

final fantasy 16 is very good

thank you for reading my post


The return of the king…

You’re doing good man?

Hate it when random altposters come into this thread expecting us to know who they are

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My (fitbit) strap broke so now I’m carrying it around in my pocket until I get a replacement, but in the meantime it’s telling me that sitting at my desk is heavy cardio with a 165 heartrate.

I wish, would make working out way easier if it was.

A tip for finding out who alts are.
Look them up on the armoury, check their equipped pets.
Then you can compare with who you suspect they are an alt of, and voila!

It’s not flawless, but sometimes works.
Alternatively, dates on achievements if you’re really invested in trying to work it out.

Number of achievement points however, is not reliable. As I thought it might be. This one has different from both Krezha and Frosthowl.

I’m actually just dunking on Akamito since he hasn’t been around these parts for ages, so I’m pretending I don’t know him. It’s a funny ha-ha post.

It’s fine, I was mostly just being silly and enjoying the excuse to post on alts. =D