Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

My vampire now has a tall collar.

At last, she is complete.

Peeve: I can feel the testosterone blocker wearing off in the last weeks before the next one. My temper starts getting much worse, my voice gets hoarser, my sleeping pattern gets destroyed and I swear much more. Itā€™s really f***ing intollerable.
Next one is the 6th I believe.
Additional note, I ran out of estrogen tablets and my forgetful parents forgot to get more again. (Iā€™d get it, but alas, agoraphobia, also I canā€™t drive, chemist is rather far away.) So suffering side effects of withdrawal from thatā€¦

They call trans people insaneā€¦ but the truth is, weā€™re only insane when our meds run out.


Idk if this is helpful at all but: Congratz on that period.

Hope your meds turn up soon. Hormones are evil.

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My stepdad forgot to tell me he got estrogen earlier today. But he also got me vimto, so I forgive him. One less hormone to be missing out on has got to be a win.


When the devil on your shoulder is Alexstrasza.

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Iā€™d take that over the current 1) Inside voice me, 2) also Inside voice me.

And both of them are [Bleep] :upside_down_face:



ā€œDid you know that workers actually have thoughts and feelings?ā€
ā€œCrazy, I know.ā€


Thatā€™d be an improvement, they might know how to construct a guillotineā€¦

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I am back from the mini Pride event in my home town with my ankle playing up more.

A friend of a friend is gearing up to ask my aroace friend out and Iā€™m 99.9% sure theyā€™ll say no.

Did tell the FoF that if heā€™s a jerk about the answer, Iā€™m going to kick his teeth in (a lot of people have got irate when my friend told them they didnā€™t want to date, so I just decided that Iā€™ll put my foot in now).


Also, had to nip into Primark to buy a jumper because while it was supposedly 18 degrees out, the wind made it very cold.

Buy myself a Stranger Things hoodie with the Hellfire Club logo on it.

Go outside to a Street Preacher yelling on a microphone, he sees my new hoodie and says; ā€œi see your Hellfire Club, hellfire is realā€ so I just walked past him openly giving him the middle finger.

I have mentioned this particular clown in a peeves threads where he was going on about how gay marriage is sinful and ā€œpretending to be a girl when youā€™re a boyā€ is also sinful plus all the usual transphobia and homophobia.

So not engaging except to give him the middle finger was more than adequate.


I love how these people are allowed to scream into microphones. But if I mention Iā€™m trans in public, suddenly itā€™s ā€œshoving it down peoples throats!ā€
Excuse me while I scream real loud.


We have buskers in my town, they have to pay a 50 quid license to busk.

Whereas these see yous donā€™t have to pay anything to yell into a mic and harass people getting off and on buses.


Pet peeve:

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Screenshots from dragonflight that contain dragons disguised as elves looking sad about something are rather common Iā€™ve noticed

Is that the theme of this expansion? Depressed dragon elves?


Bad start with pathfinder, it doesnā€™t understand what borderless window is, as the game minimises when I click on the other screen.
Put in windowed mode and used borderless windowed gaming to correct it.
Character creation is just a bunch of picturesā€¦ fairly disappointing.
Oh, okay, thatā€™s just for the portrait, why isnā€™t the portrait based on what the character looks like? Man, this is really quite poor.

Two of the rogue options are just, brute forceā€¦ I want sneaky sneaky shooty with bow sometimes, picky locky. Not brute force. If I wanted brute force Iā€™d play a warrior.
I canā€™t choose assassin, because I donā€™t have the stats for itā€¦

Iā€™m either missing something, or this game is really badly made.
Frick it. Iā€™m having this bad a time with the character creator, itā€™s clear Iā€™m not going to like the game. Hmmm, itā€™s only been 13 minutes, Iā€™ll keep trying, but this stuff is really in the wrong order.

Edit: Ugh, do I have to choose a deity? Boo. Aha, Atheism!
Yuck, Alignment, one of the worst things ever put into an RP setting.
Alignment should change day by day, it shouldnā€™e be a thing you choose on creation, thatā€™s very silly. But I guess Iā€™ll go chaotic neutral, least likely to get in the way of a rogue.
Cape clips through tail, great.
The tattoo option is empty.
Why do you choose portrait before you choose character appearance?
Character creation is actually terrible.
There seems to be a second character creation, one for some random humanā€¦ What even is this? (I figured this out, I chose the fox person race, they have a racial that turns them into a humanā€¦ seems useless.)

Right, the character creation was terrible, wound up with:
Maybe the game will be better than thatā€¦ because that wasā€¦ just not a good experience.

Ah, good, first person to speak uses the portrait I was -going- to chooseā€¦ Good thing I didnā€™t.

The absolute chore and slow suffering trans folk put themselves through to be as they are by the sorcery of medical science makes it so infuriating when bigots think itā€™s some silly thing done on a whim.


The usual chuds always attack the people who are most vulnerable, who have to jump through the most hoops, who put up with the most villificationā€¦

Itā€™s maddening and madness both. Like, I wouldnā€™t wish those hurdles on anyone, what on earth makes these people think itā€™s either done willingly or, in the case of medical stuff, done to ā€˜gain advantageā€™ or whatever?

Absolute madness. Braindead ā€˜societyā€™ā€¦


So what youā€™re saying is that your friend is single

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While I do agree that the portrait selection is quite poor, you have the option of uploading your own portraits to the game. You can do it manually (takes almost no time by following a simple Youtube tutorial if you have a picture in mind), or use portrait pack mods. I didnā€™t want to use Nexusmods, so I did it manually. The main thing that takes time is finding a good portrait from the Internet.

The character creator is pretty superficial because youā€™re not really going to be seeing your character all that much as you see them in the creator due to the nature of the game. Itā€™s not really like World of Warcraft, where you can zoom in on your characterā€™s face all that much. The portrait is more important, so I guess thatā€™s why itā€™s first. You create an approximation of the portrait after in the character creator.

This is true, sometimes the game wants you to have certain stats, alignment, etc for the class youā€™re choosing, both of which come after class selection, but at least you can go back on the class selection after choosing your stats and alignment.

I might be wrong, but if it just highlights itself as red but lets you continue, you can just continue as normal to get necessary stats/skill points/alignment/etc as required without having to go back, too.

The deity selection is relatively minor and offers minuscule benefits. It doesnā€™t matter too much, alignment however is indeed a pretty meh experience. There are some classes that require you to stay within the alignment or you cannot either continue leveling that class, or lose all class abilities if your alignment shifts.

Also, the classes have subclasses, so a sneaky shooty with bow sometimes, picky locky can be done with a variety of different classes, not just Rogue. Picking locks is moreso about the Trickery skill set, so you donā€™t have to be a Rogue to pick locks.

If you have time, it might be worth just going through the classes and reading what each base class does by description, and then what each subclass does. Ranger for example has Espionage Expert, which is the class one of your potential companions has later on, and she quite fills the role of a stealthy shooter with a longbow that picks locks.

Slayer- Deliverer adds Sneak attacks to ranged attacks, if by sneaky sneaky you mean making sneak attacks. The game doesnā€™t necessarily have ā€˜sneaky sneaky stealthyā€™ sections in the game (thank god) and if it does, itā€™s very likely doable for all classes. The main thing about Rogues and other ā€˜sneakyā€™ classes are sneak attacks, which pretty much increases your damage output on hits.

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