Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Stonetower? I knew that number was going up twice sometimes!

Yes. :3

There is a cage on my head!

51 will do. if I did it in some semlbance of order. I could’ve gotten that post to 150+, but I’d forgotten which alts had clicked like and which hadn’t.

Very sneaky ploy to improve your like-to-post ratio I see

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What? No ploys here, Elenthas is just very well liked around here.

If I wanted to do that I’d just upvote all my own posts all the time like a turbo-nerd.

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Three people. You only need three people to ash posts into hidden. Sometimes it needs four or five but it’s usually three. It’s a very broken system.


That’s it? I could do that in an instant!
Is there any punishment for abusing the system? (There really should be)

I appear to be posting on Xenji instead of Krezha, it’s fine.

It’s lack of consistency is rather baffling.

I wonder if it’s based on the number of likes a post has.
Like, has to go into negative 3, but a like puts it to +1, so it’d take 4 reports to get it to that number.

I’ve done a lot of experimental work around how these forums work. There is an automated /bonk system if you cycle through alts and report people apparently from what I’ve observed.

So these claims of someone going through alts to report someone is nonsense, they would be timed out. Its more likely someone in a discord server co-ordinates with likeminded pals to bury posts. Considering some players co-ordinated up votes and down votes on previous iterations of the forums, this isn’t a leap in logic.

Because the software used for the forums is not universally applied across the site and isn’t even the best for this kind of game anyway. Each character is its own ‘account’ but those accounts are tied to a higher ‘meta account’ which is your battletag, which itself can post on certain forums.

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It should all be Battletag based.


Exactly, then random weirdo alts can’t come in and troll people.

It won’t solve the reporting issue. As I said its people who are co-ordinating with one another to report others. If you want to be a mad lad and experiment, report someone with your alts and see what happens.

The issue is reporting shouldn’t grey out posts, that is what down votes were for in pre-BFA forums, but they were removed. Again because they were being abused by certain groups of players.

I know what happens.
But it would at least limit trolls jumping across alts to sock puppet their own god awful posting positions.


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My fave thing about the moderation on this forum is being unable to appeal anything based on actions that happended well over a decade ago :slight_smile:

It happens alot especially in the general forums. Part of the reason I haven’t been on there for more than a month now, nor do I have any plans of returning.

I mostly stick to AD now to search for Roleplay events.

Yeah you can expect anything when it comes to mass flagging. I’ve been mass flagged myself but the moderators usually revive the posts. And when the trolls realize they failed to ban me and have my posts removed, they make a plan to derail the post so it gets closed down by any means necessary.

They are quite desperate you almost feel sad for them,

I wish. Not only would it limit people hopping on alts, but it will also limit identity theft.

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