Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Google is vastly, vastly richer than Elon, and should get owned at every turn to break its weird monopoly.

May they get their heads dunked in toilet bowls forevermore

lol never

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Since I started HRT 2-3 years ago. My grip strength is GONE.
I’ve had to start using grip strengtheners. I’d like to be able to open bottles again.
It comes back pretty quickly if you keep it up. Maybe you could get some of those. =D

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I desperately need to hit the gym more often.

  1. I hate the gymn. I really, truly wish I could get into the gym-bro mentality and feel good about ‘the gains’ and sweating and… uuugh, no, let me sit in a cool dark room and not be uncomfortable, please.
  2. I do need to go to the gym to combat weight gain and try and expand my seemingly-busted lungs. Only, doing excercise upsets said busted-lungs and has me wheezing like a steam train. Catch 22 of Not Fun :upside_down_face:

I really need the hospital to hurry up with its referal/appointment so I can find out what is actually wrong… -sigh-

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‘Elon Musk is a disgusting oxygen thief who need to suffer at every possible opportunity’
‘Google is a bloated megacorp that needs its monopoly broken up sooner rather than later’

-are both things I can hold to be true at the same time :stuck_out_tongue:
I just hate Muskrat more, because he’s actually a distinct individual AND he’s an absolute blithering idiot making life harder for artists and creatives and people who used BirdApp as a sensible platform long before he ruined it.


I dunno, Google doesn’t bother me quite so much as most things. But then, I don’t really care about monopolies. The lack of a monopoly, the inclusion of competition. Very rarely makes things better on people. Companies still have minimum wage, high prices and scummy practices. And that’s with people cranking down on monopolies.

Google is… not a big offender. At least in my eyes.
Ignoring the fact that the first page is usually absolute nonsense.

You and me both. I have exercise equipment at home. The gym has always felt very… toxic to me. Might just be the local one.

Read that is Magikarp, I clearly didn’t geet enough sleep.
But yeah, I don’t really care about google, but if Elon is having a bad time, then by all means.

I miss when I thought that Elon was an innovative genius, working on some cool ideas.
Admittedly… that was quite a few years ago now.
And didn’t last very long.
I still feel dumb for ever thinking that, seeing him now.

It was never a sensible platform honestly. The entire foundation of it seems like pure brainrot, with the lack of any decent navigation and the shortform posting making it an utter maze of hollow posts.

You probably should. Actual competition tends to make things better and more affordable for consumers i.e you me and everyone

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It’s definitely supposed to do that. The problem is, that it doesn’t.
Take the two leading supermarkets of any country. Both have terribly expensive prices. Both underpay their workers.

That’d be because

barely actually happens on a large scale.

I feel you. I hate gyms for the same reason, too. Why not work out at home, or find other ways of physical exercise that are more to your liking?

(Personally I enjoy hiking, archery and swimming, though I realize that not everything in an actual workout can be replaced.)


I still think I’m right on the supermarket thing. Competition might help a little here and there. But it makes things worse in a lot of ways too.
Take video games for example. Without competition, there’d be less exclusivity.
A lot of the time, it encourages practices that are actually worse for the buyer.

Anyhoo, I need to go for a bath. Or a shower… or both.
My armpits are begging me, they’re trying to torture me into doing it. The smell has a monopoly on my nose.

Maybe if twitter actually burns down for a bit people will stop relying on it for putting out news and having community interactions
Just look at how many disaster event updates rely on twitter…

Have you tried yoga or pilates? Basically stuff that you maybe do one course for a bit and then can do basic things from home
It’s what I should probably try getting into too u_u


If anything your supermarket example sounds like a symptom of an absence of any real competition. If another halfway decent supermarket with lower prices popped up, the leading ones would eventually be forced to lower as well, or risk losing customers.

True, exclusives are a rare case of competition being anti-consumer.

But at the same time can you imagine how little progress would have been made if just 1 of these companies had the monopoly and everything had to advance at their pace? It was embarrassing just how far behind PC gaming the consoles were for a long time and in some aspects, still are. That gap starting to close is only a sign of the value of competition.

Maybe WoW will even stop catering to unsubbed twitterposters for all eternity :pray:

It might be ironic that I dislike right wing thinking, but don’t really mind monopolies. I just think that the world is a lot more complex than “monopoly bad”. Even without monopolies, corporations will still find ways to screw everyone over.

In an ideal world maybe, shame we don’t live in one of those. If that ever happens, they either go bankrupt fairly quickly, or wind up having to up their prices just to stay afloat. Because, well, as it turns out, people like money.

I’ll end on a silly note, because, well, who doesn’t like having fun? My worgens hat inspires me.
I hate the boardgame, monopoly.

When blizzard first started using twitter to anounce things. I sighed deeply. If they can pull their team off of twitter and put them somewhere more sensible, that would be great.
I suggest improving the launcher. Going for a more personal touch.
Not being on twitter is a colossal improvement for everyone.

Me too, that’s actually a good idea. Thank you, eyeless undead.

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I made the grave error to check reddit this morning and if I see one more person who clearly has no idea about dialogue writing going “akshually” at me or one more “standard German = Hannover dialect” I’m going to go help out the reddit managing people and burn down the servers.

I would be happy if they bothered to make this site and forum less of a dumpster fire.

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And so we reach the final Suletta Sunday…for now?? Maybe???


I loved it.

It did end a bit abruptly, wrapped up some plotpoints a bit quickly, but I got a happy ending. Suletta and Miorine are married (I did not miss their rings!!!). Ericht survived. El5n survived to follow Norea’s sketchbook. All of Earth House made it. Even Prospera got to live on.

Also Suletta’s timeskip design with the permet scars? Incredibly cute+handsome.

No sad ending here. The rainbow power of the gays caused a Good End.

Only bad part is we didn’t get a kiss, but given the intensely erotic handholding of Ep 23…that’s fine.

With the literal dissolving of the Gundams, I don’t know how/if they’re going to continue the Ad Stella timeline with a sequel, but I hope they do.
Final ending art.

Watch Witch from Mercury.

My shower is too small, so I have to use my parents, which is thankfully right next door.
But I don’t like being naked, so I can only use it when my depression isn’t being mean.
Got in early this morning, I desperately needed that. I feel at least six steps closer to sanity.

Oh yeah, this site exists… I forgot about that. Yes, they should take their twitter users over to here instead.


Disagree, purely because it has enough functionality (for artists) under one umbrella that, regardless of the quality - or lack of - for any one thing, the fact they’re all together is very rare.

  • Gallery function - actual gallery pages are so, so much better at this. No one argues there. The Media tap is borderline useless. But, in a pinch it will do, which leads to-
  • Communication - being able to have conversation threads on posts to the extent they have is useful in places.
  • DMs - having DM functionality for communication for commissions etc is useful
  • Discoverability - Trawling through gallery sites is very clunky, now as then. Trying to find stuff on Tumblr is very hit and miss. Twitter made it basically idiot-proof to stumble on new and interesting artists daily, just by the way things worked.

Regardless of opinions, a lot of artists made it their main hub because of functionality/convenience long before Melon Husk even thought about entering the scene. They don’t deserve to be blamed for some idiot so far out of their control it’s not even funny, imo :confused:


Yes I quoted the image just so we got it twice.

Vixí, I sent you an in game mail, just in case you don’t see those.

Twitter was great for artists. After Tumblr banned noodle tea, then they all went to twitter.
I’m not really a fan of it myself, but a HUGE number of people are.
Not to mention, you ban one form of art, you still piss off a lot of artists that don’t do that. Don’t break up artist communities!


I currently dont have a subscription so I cant see those!

But you can look me up on discord!

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