Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

The in game mail was to send you my discord. So that works. XD

Your favoured three sum up what I do, too when able.

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Mostly because it was the only place you could go that offered both picture hosting and fandom/community interaction. I don’t know a single artists who actually likes being on twitter.
Maybe the implosion will finally make it so people fish out a project that offers both without the algorithm and with actually searchable tags.


There’s the WIP/Beta made by ex-Twitter Devs that a lot of people are jumping ship to if they can get an invite code. But it’s still very much a WIP apparently, and needs work and tuning and stuff before its even close to public release.

But, maybe someday. I just want to point and laugh when a reasonable alternative (functionality wise) comes out, and everyone immediately leaves. Just watch Muskrat left with the bag-on-fire and some very upset investors. Lol. Lmao, even.

I laugh heartily every time I remember how musk was held up as a great man of science in that one star trek movie.

Stop worshiping aristocrats who only got where they are by exploiting actual working people!


“I did all this off my own back, I’m totally a self made man and a visonary!”

His Dad: “Yeah, so, that was a damn lie.”


That family is a real life “the aristocrats” joke.

The privilege of the lords simply shifted to the merchants with the industrial revolution and to pretend the billlionaires are any better than the decadent tyrants of old is delusional.


I wonder if the person who wrote that into the script is either sighing with disappointment or stands by it. The guy still has innumerable supporters and I mostly assume it’s because he have money and they want money.

“I support Millionaires! If they’re self made, then one day I too might be a millionaire, because I clearly deserve it, therefore I must stand for this aspiration because I too want to be mega rich and look down upon the Poors!” - is a stance that a staggering number of people seem to take.

And I don’t know whether I should pity them or encourage them to Get In The Sea…

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I liked Deviantart. Though I hear it has a lot of problems too.
I dunno… Gaia Online? XD
I hope someone thinks of a better suggestion than me.

I hope for this.
Honestly, people who suck up to billionaires are beyond me. It’s not like they’re going to give you their money. XD
I get that not all of them are 100% vile and without a single shred of merit.
But… and there is a but… you don’t get -THAT- rich without stepping on a lot of heads.

Drew a banana chocolate muffin with sprinkles for Clodsire to lighten the mood.


Is the mood tense? That thing is very cute. Best I can offer in return is a picture of one of my many many many many MANY MANY MANY plushies.

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I love him!

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Apartment thing was as expected a bug, but damn me for having a sliver of hope.

I do still need to go bug them anyway since I need to ask why tf I have to wait thrice as long as a colleague in the exact same situation before getting an apartment.

Also as an artist I miss pre-wix, pre-techbro dA buyout


dA was my first online gallery.
It was also the first site I’ve ever deactivated an account for.

The UI ‘improvements’ over time made it so I barely used it anyway. The infestation of co-called ‘A.I.’ was the deathknell. Screw that.

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I love himb

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That’s so evil of them. Hope you get a place soon. I’d let you crash on my couch, but nobody wants to be both, trapped on a tiny island in the middle of the north sea… and also have to share a house with me. XD

dA was also my first art site.

Leo’s laying on the floor staring at me.

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My first art site was animexx. It’s a German thing. After that dA tho.


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FF16 ‘peeve’, kinda: Being able to respec entirely at any time outside of combat at no cost whatsoever is pretty great for playing with different ability layouts, but I do kinda wish you could save like…up to 3 of them? Just because levelling everything back up is kind of a pain, especially if you don’t vibe with a setup and want to revert to the one you had before.