Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Wow, not something Roo has had to wear in a long while.

That’s the restarted scrub life for you.

Did go and grind my actual scythe because-- may as well?

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Not really, they had website issues so im surprised at all.

I’d respectfully pass on account of our past history but also I have lived too much and too long with other people.

El1n got very little screentime in G-Witch but his resignation is a big mood.

“Thanks for everything.
I’m sick of all of you and I’m quitting Peil.
Best wishes.”

Hah, wasn’t really an offer anyway. I’d totally offer you a place to live if I had space, But there’s barely enough space for the lightbulbs in this house.

Just begun my Legacy of the Void campaign. Just got to Ulnar. My unit setup so far, one I usually do:

Zealot: Took the Nerazhim version because I find the charge through friendly units aswell as their mini-stun to be extremely convenient since they often tend to get stuck behind Stalkers. Though the Purifier Sentinel seems nice too because of them being re-constructed upon death. The Aiur zealot with aoe attacks im not too sure about, never picked it.

Stalker: I kept them Stalker because that’s what I am used to, the blink is convenient, and I am not sure how good Dragoons really are or if they can fire upon air like stalkers can.

Dark Templar: Once again went with the Nerazhim edition because, although the Aiur edition’s Recall on Death ability seems neat, the Nerazhim DT has an attack that lets them periodically “teleports behind you Psssh, nothing personal kid” their opponents, which managed to shred even Ultralisks and Hybrids with relative ease.

Immortal: This one I am torn on. Usually take the Nerazhim version here too because of the cannon-ability that lets them attack air-targets too, but I dont know if they fire in the air standar, dont think they do. The Aiur-version of them has bigger shielding capacities than even regular immortals, so they serve even better as high damage meatshields.

Haven’t got the rest of the units yet, but ill post that when I get that far :smiley:


They can. Dragoons are beefier - more healthy, longer range, strong attack - but lack the maneuverability and blink of stalkers.

Stalkers are a fast strike force. Dragoons are mobile artillery.

If you’re lazy at microing your units (me) then dragoon are your best friend.


Stalkers are so OP. You get this ability where they do like, killing spree in WoW, teleport around the target multiple times and do lot’s of attacks.
You get like 6 stalkers and send them into the enemy base, DESTRUCTION!

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It was a staple of my run and really surprisingly powerful. Made dealing with zerg pretty trivial.

Same, to make up for not using the teleport-y zealots. That and dragoons just Didn’t Feel Right. I think by the end I rocked the secret third thing instead though.

Ditto. This move feels too good not to use them.

Stalkers are the funny four leg shooty boys! You’re thinking of the nerazhim dark zealots.


I see! That’s good to know! Usually I -am- the lazy microër, but oddly enough I seem to mesh well with the stalker.

As Dekarn said, those are the Dark Templars, but yes, they are dangerous indeed!

I figured yes. I reckon in the end it just comes down to preference. Want more offensive-capable zealots, or more durable, or mini-stun.

I’ll have to see soon what that is again, currently forgot :frowning:

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Same, can’t rightly recall what set them apart from the others.

There’s a very real chance I picked them because I disliked dragoons and the look of stalkers, but I can’t say for sure.

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Ah, right, yes, the sneaky sneakies. The name confused me.

Anyway, my mood is going way down a creek again. So taking advice from last night, I’m going to come off the forums for tonight.
Wishing everyone all the best. Hope nothing too exciting happens till I get back.


Don’t worry didn’t take it as one, I can relate to no space though but due to other reasons

Nature and life: Exists

My Satyr: A delectable meal!

If you get chance, check out the Legacy of the Meme series by GiantGrantGames - legacy of the void except each unit is replaced by a meme

For example, Aiur zealots now take off into the sky when whirlwinding, Stalkers are radioactive (S.T.A.L.K.E.R), all good stuff

I’ll give it a look! Thanks!

Update on the unit list now that I’ve progressed further in the campaign:

Zealot: Still the Centurion for it’s charge and mini-stun.

Stalker: Still stalker for same reasons as in last post.

Immortal: Aiur Immortal because it’s shields make it near invincible.

Sentry: Aiur Sentry cause of shielding, I like seeing my units survive longer.

Dark Templar: Still the Nerazhim Dark Templar cause “Pssh, nothing personal kid.”

Phoenix: Still using the Aiur Phoenix, though I do not use it often.

High Templar: Decided to go with the Nerazhim Dark Archon for this one cause it’s ability to take over enemy units permanently is OP, as I kept stealing Carriers and Colossi and Void Rays from the Tal’darim on Slayn.

Void Ray: Using the Nerazhim one still cause it’s a more powerful version of standard void ray, though I was told it’s Tal’darim sibling is also pretty good because it has a chain-lightning beam rather than one focused beam.

Now all I got left is to unlock the Colossi and the Carriers before heading to Aiur!

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Not using Sentinels?

Blocked and reported.

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Pure anti air only units really didn’t feel like they were of any value in this campaign, even in 1 particular mission that’s all about flying. Kind of a shame.

Very cool concept but in practice the secondary damage seemed very low, felt like a waste to lose the range and damage output of the nerazhim version.

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AoE zealot shreds.


Destroyers are pog and the champ (“the Death Fleet descends” is the best unit call in the game) but sadly you were lied to and they are very weak


In fairness, some people do things like these to bash or criticize a culture- Just like the deragotory pictures of their prophet back in the days did in newspapers.

I suspect the case is more to make Sweden struggle to get into Nato, rather than anything else.