Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

This has been a lot of unfamiliar nerd speak

If you played Starcraft 2 you would understand.

It’s a good game! A very fun campaign which constantly mixes things up and keeps things fresh every mission.

Storywise it’s also very solid just so long as you ignore the last like…three missions of Legacy of the Void.

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Calm down, Mr. Kotick. I’m afraid I am not smelly so I will be unable to play this particular video game.

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If there’s one thing I can’t be called, it’s smelly. I can’t even countenance not showering every day, yuck.

what have these done to you

Showering doesn’t mean clean or not carrying odur.
You seem the type to not even consider soap or similar.

I like the cute themed imperial leather shower gels :blush: the Marshmallow one is a particular favourite but I’m rocking Cosmic Unicorn at the moment

ruined the entire series honestly (mild exaggeration, it’s still good)


Though if you headcanon jim raynor is a drunken madman hallucinating at the very end, and then stumbles out to die alone in a desert, it marginally redeems it for me.


I like magic golden nudey kerrigan (I haven’t played the games and no I don’t care about the lore), though she’s not quite as aesthetic as evil space spider kerrigan

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You have my attention.

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I like cute smells

What does it smell like?

Like a cosmic unicorn, idiot

It opens with a cosmic ray of pink grapefruit and electromagnetic citrus crush, evolving into an interstellar heart of luminous white florals orbited by celestial rose and freesia.


Can’t say I had much of an issue with them, though it sure made the terrans feel out of place with the sheer scale of the events going on.

Watching Malignant, see how it goes.

Do you ever nap so hard that when you wake up you’re in a state of wanting to sleep more because, due to the daze you’re in, you think dreams are nicer than being awake



I am sorry. In my defense, I do like them quite alot too, just can’t choose em all :frowning:

They really did not. Unlike Wings of Liberty where I made sure to usually have some Vikings with me, especially when upgraded those things tore through stuff like no tomorrow. ( Okay they are technically not fully anti-air due to their land-mode but, I mostly used them in flight-mode anyways.) The wraith however…

Yeah that’s what I noticed too after using them for a bit, so it wasn’t long before I went back to the Nerazhim edition. Haha Void Ray goes Bzzzzzt.

They really do, yeah, as said, it comes down to preference. I just like the mini-stuns of the centurions myself aswell as their ability to charge through friendly units so I dont have to micro my stalkers out of the way all the time.

Yep I sadly noticed.

I am sorry. But occasionally it is a fun game to replay again still!

In other news: Its pretty much confirmed now that Legacy of the Void saves your choices for the Swarm from HotS. During Ulnar, the banelings that Kerrigan spawns are also the same as the ones you picked there, and its really funny to see both purple and green zerg together.

As for the epilogue of Legacy of the Void… I wonder still if the end was just a hallucination on Raynor’s part or actually real.

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SC2 kerrigan’s design would fit perfectly for SC1 kerrigan but is weird and bad and terrible on SC2 kerrigan

The more I think about the blue dragon quests, the more obvious it gets how they’re all awkward nerds. Nurture or nature, these are the people who read so much they forget to eat and collect strange things and will talk your ear off about their incredibly niche interests if they’re not just sullenly withdrawn to sort the local beetles from least to most magical.