Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Welcome back to the rage cage, we kept your pillow warm for you. (ignore the discolouration on that one spot, nothing happened)

An army of them
send help


Okay, so I deleted around 8000 emails, before I realised it was something called ā€œOneDriveā€ that was causing problems. I found out what one drive is, it has likeā€¦ random folders backed upā€¦

I am a reformed man. I will transform this cage of rage into a house of tranquility, even if it means I have to kill each and every one of you; starting with Loras.


I see no issues here. Welcome back

Try me, coward

My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Loras.

And yet Iā€™ll still be sending you to a nice farm upstate, old man

That sounds nice actually, do they have a farmers market? is there a cosy B&B nearby?

Yeah, youā€™ll be very happy up there but none of us can visit you

let him graze peacefully in the plains

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Slept poorly, now Iā€™m wide awake exhausted with vauge memories of traumatic nightmares.


Today I shall quest and grow my puny alts. They too will be RPā€™d. Howā€™s that kul tiran scene these days?

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A long time to go out and get some milk from the corner storeā€¦ started to think you werenā€™t coming backā€¦

God, finally

The hoarder in me cried. ā€œWhat if this is important, what if I care?ā€
Mostly it was game saves from games I donā€™t play anymore, screenshots that I donā€™t care aboutā€¦ And basically, nothing worth spending money on.
My emails were going to make me spend money to increase the space I had.
I purged the lot.
Iā€™m sure some of it mightā€™ve been importantā€¦ But thereā€™s a nice little motto Iā€™ve used a lot in my life, maybe youā€™ve used it too.
ā€œI donā€™t care.ā€
Free, free! so much free space!
Google, donā€™t harass me again.

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Especially the very last one is bizarrely gruelling. Why do those towers have SO much health and do SO much damage (not to mention the bastarding ones that just heal the other towers to full)

Make sure to discuss any change in your medication usage with your doctor, if you can!

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Gonna have to, they administer the needle. Theyā€™ll notice. =D

Another pet peeve: ā€œFoul Biteā€ a 20 minute debuff blizzard, really?

On the phone to mental healthā€¦ And I might get another CPN, yay. Thatā€™ll helpā€¦ I hope.

I said I didnā€™t hear the phone because I had music on, and sheā€™s like ā€œWhat music?ā€
And I was likeā€¦ itā€™s errā€¦ Iā€™m kinda new to the genre, butā€¦ itā€™sā€¦ dubstep.
Because I donā€™t want to admit I like dubstep, itā€™s a lot of noiseā€¦ But it sounds goodā€¦
And sheā€™s like, ā€œWhatā€™s that?ā€
And I have no idea how to explain it, I was likeā€¦ itā€™s kinda like when you drop something down the stairs and it sounds good.
Whatā€™s more worrying, is she then said ā€œOoooh, that does sound goodā€

i have begun a parasocial relationship with cliveā€™s voice actor from final fantasy 16. i used twitter for the first time pretty much ever to reply to one of his tweets, and he replied back

so we are basically best friends now

god i hate the internet


Hopefully me liking that comment wonā€™t come up in a Ukelele song some day.

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I thought we got rid of you!

Anyway, thatā€™s Areshkegal done (Sosiel became a Breath of Life bot after all clones decided to whack my main character, who really struggles with getting AC. I thought turning my CHA to AC meant Iā€™d become an invincible tank, but nooo!!! :sob:). At least Ulbrig and even Arueshalae carried the fight by doing obscene amounts of damage, and that was even with a misplaced Guarded Hearth!

Overall, I enjoyed the aesthetics of the place. I think I misread what people found annoying about the place and I feared itā€™d have Act 4 camera shenanigans on top of everything, but it was just random puzzles you can use guides to get through, so overall it wasnā€™t bad. It did become a bit repetitive towards the end, and I still donā€™t understand why the puzzlesā€¦well, were solved in that way. To me it just seems like some random non-patterned behaviour.

Oh well, at least I one-shot Areshkagal. Riddle this and riddle that, and I rid the world of this riddle-nerd. :sunglasses:

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