Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Okay, but… why tho

Did some foolish English monarch think this’d be a great prank on the World?

‘Muhahaha, as part of my evil misdeeds today, I shall make the vowels sound like other vowels, that should do the trick!!’ - some English monarch probably (maybe lizzy since she’s been ruling since the cambrian or something)

And then they twirl their evil moustache as you do.

Stop getting invaded then smh

Languages aren’t static, they change all the time. It’s just not a very fast progress most of the time so we don’t notice much. Not sure what caused the vowel shift back then but the printing press was invented around 1436 and that’s plenty of time to, you know, update the spelling as you go. But what do I know.

Another example: Standard German was almost exclusively a written thing in 1800. But now you’ll have a hard time finding anyone here who doesn’t speak it.

We did! For nearly 1000 years!!

I know we aren’t getting ‘lol invaded’ sass from a german

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I’ll give you three tries at guessing which area of Germany I’m from.

I shall name the Rhineland, as it’s the one part of Germany I’ve actually been to

It was very nice we sailed down a river and I got wooden swords from each village we stopped at

are you my brother? That’s the sort of thing he would’ve done.

What a way to find out that would be

I also got arrested by armed police there, because I matched the description of a fugitive. I tried to tell them I was an English tourist

in German, which in hindsight was not my brightest move

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Lower Saxony.
You know, like the Saxon part in Anglo-Saxon… and the part the UK imported a king from.

Brb, refilling sass.

I’m not surprised.

Fortunately (for me0 i know what you look like and you don’t look like him.

I would tower over you; you notice I’m very muscular and intimidating

Sorry didn’t hear you there kid…

Given my impressive powerful stature -as is natural for an Englishman- you would decide to back down fast…

Why do you fill this house with lies?

We all know you have the physique of a Victorian Maiden who can die if the wind is too cold.

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(Please don’t OOC in this RP I’m having with Blythan)

Can confirm, have met Joe IRL, he is my build except I got fatter

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Hey I’m just keeping with the aesthetic a man has to live or die for the art

Fr tho I’m going to a 1940s weekend in a fortnight to celebrate the end of the school year and Im cursed in having no appropriate clothes - unless I say I’m going as someone’s curmudgeonly Edwardian grandfather grumbling about these darn kids with their soft hats and their swing music.

I am sure nobody will care if you dress as a scrag.

Went to a pride event with 2 friends dressed as such. One doesn’t believe in going out clothes

No see that’s the thing

I have no scrag clothes

All my clothes are too formal

I literally only have early century frock coat suits that’re out of style by the 40s I don’t own a single morning coat don’t you see this is a catastrophe

You say this but I’m going to be chased through the streets by a mob of WW2 civilian fashion enthusiasts they can smell us WW1 civilian fashion enthusiasts a mile off our mutual loathing is like Mods and Rockers or Punks and Goths


What on earth are you talking about?! Punks and Goths generally get along just fine.

I know this as somebody who toes the line between both when I’m not full on man eating forest demon.