Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Struggling with art. Opened the window. Now somehow doing better.
Air is magic.

They taught us binary code. And then java and C++ at the same time.


Me when I mentioned to a brit that ā€˜haha i canā€™t tell the UK accents apart AT ALL so you might have the chavviest accent and iā€™d think itā€™s poshā€™ and she got very offended thinking I called her a chav.

you could be a kid from the slummiest of streets in the worst place of UK (apparently many think itā€™s stoke-on-trent? shocked my 2010 era me when i went to alton towers) and iā€™d think you could be cast on downtown abbey (or whatever is a posh british show idk)

so in short i think loras would sound proper posh

Anyway! My peeve is that I went shopping for clothes today, and now I have a blister on my little toe the size of my little toe. Hello!!! Toe!!! Youā€™re not meant to do this to me! >:(

After working almost non-stop, every single day since february (including working from home.) I have become burnt out.
Did I know this would happen? Yes. Did I do anything to minimize it or even try to stop it? Nope. Thank god Iā€™m going on vacation in about two weeks.

as a bit of a norf fc ingerland person iā€™d find it more offensive to be called posh than a chav

what a funny country i live in

My accent is posh northern - exemplified when a friend jokingly called me posh and I indignantly said ā€˜Iā€™m not even a little bit poshā€™ but pronounced every t and thus sealed my fate

I am poor but have expensive taste please help

Playing DBD with Vixi.

Against a Blight. Can see heā€™s trying to do adept.

I DC because he was being slightly annoying to me thus denying his adept.

Heā€™s so mad in end game chat.

Minute timeout was worth it to see the rage.

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Posh Shauna scares me.

In German my accent is pretty close to standard German but not quite news speaker.

For similar reasons I will continue to enjoy Hearts of Iron 4 , despite part of their players also being weird like that.

ā€œWhat do you mean, you do not agree with us telling others what is racist or not on your behalf?!ā€

Error 404: Ultra-woke logic not found. Ultra-woke does not compute. Explodes

Speaking of Hearts of Iron 4, I have a funny meme in relation to some of Fire Nationā€™s weirdest shenanigans from a short while ago.

basically this;

Also, CAN i get this on a shirt?


Iā€™ll admit, it took me longer than I liked to understand that post and why it was offensiveā€¦

I mean, I lean into the whole demon aspect anyway, they want me to be a demon? game on then.

So yes, would deffo wear that tee shirt.

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Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch or Nurgle? Tbh I believe those kind of ā€˜peopleā€™ would put you all under Slaanesh.


You know, Satan, half goat, half man (Satyr)

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That one also works!

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There are a number of PriDEMONth shirts on etsy, and doubtless on a bunch of other t-shirt websites too.

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Man, I do need to look at Etsy, but I donā€™t think i am ready to fall down that rabbit hole.

NEVER mention this on Twitter under posts like that
Youā€™ll be drowned in bots linking you to fake/scam T-Shirt sites.

How to nuke Twitter threads 101.

Luckily, I do not use birdapp, so no issue there.

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So demonic. Much fear. Look at us.


tough call between Grandfather Nurgle and Father Hashut depending on how gross and/or angry I am feeling