Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

They start screaming as they see me open my maw wide and spew rainbows.

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Like the Horned Rat, he is a lesser god.
But the rat gets to ascend, Hashut just smells.

i have crunched two gw2 legendaries back to back in the span of two weeks. i hate my own guts but i had a point to prove to someone. “i will never get one of these done in a year its too much work.” pah. pah i say. nothing is too much work if your willing to forego needed sleep.

if someone wants to put one right between my eyes rn that’d be great.

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Both cases have a very loud minority dragging everyone else down.

They want to establish the 1000-year reich as it should have ended, I want to crown Wojtec the bear as emperor. We are not the same.

At some point it’s just competitive rather than grounded in any ideological pursuit of higher ideals and that’s when politics becomes a high school mean girls performative spectacle…


Only HOI4 content I’m remotely interested in is the Fallout overhaul mod. The base game don’t interest me, nor does Kaiserreich. I’d rather swan around as a feudal medieval lady instead.

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This is why I play it. So I can girlboss in the wasteland and dunk on the BoS, the Legion and other factions like them.

The fallout mod has some really nice countries with cool lady leaders.

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CK3 also (finally) has After the End updated for it, which is very Fallout inspired too


Super valid.

If Vicky or EU was more enjoyable I could get into them, but the playstyle just doesn’t werk for me.

Damn, should change to praj and equip the now-unobtainable priest quest robe and see how he handles that.

Or post on Suz because she’s wearing the CM shaman set.

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Is praj and suz your characters? I don’t have ones with those names.

Just asking cause I got confused haha

My characters, yeah.

My main priest and main shaman.

Praj ain’t wearing the unobtainable robe ATM, but Suz IS wearing the Cm set.

(said priest robe)

For you, if you have anything that is now unobtainable, perhaps equipping that if you ever go back so he can’t copy?


New drive all installed, all hail the one friend you have who works in IT and is willing to troubleshoot for you

sadly Steam bamboozled me so now I have to spend like 4 hours reinstalling total war, dang it

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RP character writing is hard. I envy the people who can just whip up an aesthetic and wing it.


Honestly it’s the only way I can do a character - make a baseline and then throw together a backstory based on what sounds cool to say at the time. I’ve tried planning out a character and it’s a nightmare


Meanwhile I’m just trying to break the German armies on my Indonesian wall like water on rock while playing as the Dutch, sadly there’s a bug that makes them not entirely playable in the long run, and Paradox either doesnt seem to pick up on it or is just playing ignorant. ( Basically, to reduce Indonesian autonomy, at some point I try to change the DEI-template soldiers back to regular dutch template, but it just has as a result that my units dissappear into thin air, and I hate it).

I mean, I’m pretty sure if people want a white knight ( pun intended) to fight on their behalf, they’d have asked for it already.

I’ll admit, I haven’t played the game in a while, and not with mods at all. Perhaps I ought to try it out one day.

The only nations I really played into a long game were the Dutch, Spain and Ethiopia ( I just like being the underdog and trying to come out on top). Sadly as the Ethiopians, their de-colonisation mechanic (atleast when you stick to Haile Selassie stays path) doesnt entirely work the way it should. You’re fully surrounded by the Brits, and each time you finallly manage to have a country rise up against it’s oppressor, said oppressor annexes them right off the bat before you can justify a war-goal on them. And since I tend to play historical, by that time the Allies have already formed and I dont exactly fancy taking on the UK, Uncle Sam and co all on my own ( and I usually try not to team up with the fascists).

So yeah, I think the game can be very fun, but some design-choices aswell as bugs do sour the experience :frowning:

See: Freegypt achievement where closing the game at any point breaks your save so that you start as the UK again. You basically have to do the entire world war in one sitting and earn independence or fail forever.


It also doesnt help that they wouldn’t let me make a paradox account to post on their forums, so that instead I just gave up on it and am just hoping it’ll get patched sometime.

Had a very nice meal today to celebrate my brother’s 18th Bday, 10/10 food.


After approximately two weeks I have now finished FF16…'s story. ~74 hours total, including all the side content for one playthrough. Still got NG+ to deal with for platinum, thankfully the combat is fun. Hopefully NG+ is a bit more challenging though, since I kinda breezed through most of my first playthrough.

A very solid entry to the series, its few missteps did not overshadow the highs it brought. 9/10, will be playing again basically immediately.

This may be Soken’s best soundtrack yet, which isn’t a small feat considering his FF14 entries.

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