Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

PF1e or 2e? They’re different beasts.

2e as far as I understand it

Yeah then the guide up there won’t be of much help because it’s 1e.

Maybe this online builder helps?

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Probably easier than 1e, though it does mean any experience you’ve got with the Kingmaker/WotR games will be useless to you. The character builder Blythan has linked is probably a good place to start.

Everything mechanical for PF2e is available for free online (and without flying the black flag), which helps, on Archive of Our Own Nethys
It also has a new players guide:

Wish I could help but my (limited) pathfinder experience is with 1e

All I can recommend is play a goblin, pathfinder goblins are great

I believe we are doing the Kingmaker campaign, but the DM is using the Pillars of Eternity setting instead of the bog standard Pathfinder one.

I never played any of those games though even though I own them all on Steam for some reason

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Is the reason time

… yes, let’s go with that.


Are those the gobbins that have a fondness for boxes?

I’ve made a first draft of my pathfinder character with a little help from the DM. It all still looks very foreign to me but I guess I’ll learn what it all means when we actually come to play.

So long as I’m rolling still that’s fine.

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They can be [my eyes glow red]

No, boxes are the Artix goblin special (adventure quest, dragon fable, that genre of games) - Golarian goblins just lean heavily into being Weird Little Guys and I love them for it

also mito you should play pillars - if you aren’t interested in real time with pause combat play PoE1 on a low difficulty the story is worth it

Also/instead play Tyranny.

Do own a copy of Tyranny but just can’t vibe with it for some reason - it feels like the story already happened so it doesn’t get its hooks in me to keep playing

need advice. i am going to be a dwarf flurry ranger using melee weapons. i want to use handaxes but apparently they’re not agile, whatever that means, but hatchets are.

please someone advise because i am lost in the woods here. which is also the best song from frozen 2

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are handaxes even a thing in PF2e? I can’t find them. Hatches seem to fill that role.
Agile means that they roll extra attacks at a -4 penalty instead of -5.

I can see how the intro might make it seem that way but in practice it’s not really.

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Settled on a character for when bg3 releases. Will be a drow wild magic sorcerer for the express purpose of making life miserable for missus.
If I learn that I can get afflicted with lycanthropy, this choice will have to be altered to something more fitting stat-wise.


I don’t think lycans will be a thing in BG3.

Now vampires on the other hand…

nothing like casting a fireball on your 1st level party because whoopsie wild surge

we have a wild magic sorcerer in our rime of the frostmaiden campaign. the only time we’ve ever come close to being team killed is when he wild magic surged a fireball when we were all standing in a cramped room on turn 1 of an encounter. luckily we scraped through, but it was really close

it’s also the only time that my character has been downed.

Don’t much care about them, but if in the course of our playthrough a situation will occur and it will make sense or will be unavoidable, I’ll accept that.

My thoughts exactly. Sadly, it seems like the wild magic table in the video game is considerably smaller and is more gameplay focused, so no silly things like growing a feather beard or being forced to shout instead of speaking.

if i dm one of you nerds my pathfinder character sheet can you make sure i’m not being dumb with anything