Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Me, with an enormous backlog of unwatched and unplayed things: I should watch this thing I liked again. It has been…five months since I last watched it.

brain why


Me except I last watched it two weeks ago

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“I like this song! It’s now time to listen to this song into the absolute ground for 2 weeks straight”

autism brain is strong


English is a mandatory subject in Sweden from age 6 to when you roll out of high school so that also helps (with some outliers here and there). I know a lot of European countries has a “you must choose a second foreign language” deal where kids choose english, spanish, french, german (latin if they feel particularly self-destructive) etc but in Sweden that’s on top of regular English lessons.

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I’m not autistic (as far as I know) but this is absolutely what I do too. Binge mentality is strong - games, music, books, anime. If I can’t zergrush it until I’ve completely lost interest then what’s the point?

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every autistic adult who was ‘gifted’ as a child and never got diagnosed


Not me, still on the waiting list for an assessment…

Because thank gods people are now more openly talking about mental health and ADHD/ASD. When you see the lists of peoples most common traits for both, and go down it like a checklist, and then “Haha, wow, I sure have most of these, but I can’t… I mean… That… Oh. Ohhhhhh… Shi-”

:grimacing: level 32, ha ha ha …

These days most (if not all?) of Europe gets English early on and then an additional language as an optional pick later.
School tried to teach me French. Emphasis on tried.

Jokes on you I almost got one anyway but it was too spooky for my parents. And now I don’t bother because the waiting lists are endless.

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[points finger accusingly]

Sweats nervously

i do this every time CHVRCHES and/or Boston Manor drop an album

actually, i do it in general whenever a spotify playlist shuffles onto something new and fresh, i just wanted to mention them.

also peeve: for some reason they changed the mobile authenticator to be inside the mobile bnet app, but i cant log into the mobile bnet app without my authenticator

bravo, truly.


Welp, my ability to sleep/lie in is well and truly :wastebasket:

Time to get breakfast, put on the most Warhammer music I can find, and paint like a demon while smiling that I don’t have to go outdoors at all (its raining)

Forgive me if I sound insensitive, but sometimes it feels like these days people wildly different from each other get slapped with the “autistic” label for being even mildly out of the (sarcastic quotes) “norm”, to the point that the label confuses me because any two given people labeled autistic may not have anything in common.

I’m not doubting the existence of the autism spectrum, but I do wonder if people are going overboard in diagnosing it. Then there are those who may not even be diagnosed, yet wave it as a flag and use it to explain everything unusual about them, no matter how minor.

I think the societal issue is that people keep treating it like a binary, yay or nay system. Although a lot of people say “Oh, everyone is a bit x” in usually quite a dismissive way, they’re probably a bit closer to the truth than they realise. Like with a lot of disabilities, it’s a sliding scale.

Sure, you get the ‘obvious’ examples where people have car-crash social skills (or lack of ) and very pointed obsessions and whatever. Or the hyperactive side of ADHD. But, particularly in women but also in a large number of men (and Other) there seems to be trending towards the quiet-but-distracted or Attention Defficit side of the condition, not the hyperactive. Which, given until recently most diagnosis was focussed on the obvious, the disruptive and the hyperactive, means that, well… it’s not a ‘new’ thing? People were likely always dealing with those conditions. They just weren’t being correctly identified, because ‘experts’ were looking at entirely the wrong thing.

Looking back with a checklist of the most common symptoms, I can say now I’m basically a tick if nearly every single box. This isn’t some looking for excuses, some bandwagon to hop on; I was that way, I’ve always been that way, I am that way. It just now gives more, better context as to why beyond “Oh, he needs to try more” and “You just have to focus!” (Which, haha, guess what? Has never frelling worked!)

I mean, sure, people may be potentially eager for an explanation for “I’ve been at war with my own brain since I was old enough to be coherent, why is there something wrong with me where other people clearly do not struggle?”, and I don’t think they need blaming for that?

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Autism refers to an overwhelming plethora of different conditions, as such, you will indeed find that some autistic people are completely different from others that are on the spectrum.

As for people self diagnosing and all, never too fond of that and def recommend getting a proper diagnosis, but I have also absolutely met people who never got one and were very clearly beyond any doubt on the spectrum.


literally me frfr

current song of the week is troye’s new bottom bop

Well, that is why it’s called a spectrum. It’s sort of why I’ve found The Good Doctor’s memes a little offputting when people say ‘have they met a real autistic person’, because… have people met anyone? I’ll admit I had a similar reaction in the beginning - perhaps just to fit in - until I started seeing more clips and thinking ‘wait, I (could) do that’. And I’m only an aspie, until the Estonian versions of DSM and ICD get translated at least and then it’s merged into ASD.

(not the transphobia parts, but just some of the other clips of the acting that was perceived bad by the internet)

Watching a lets play series on Oblivion, they bring up the lockpicking minigame on consoles.
“Would you say it’s enjoyable?”
“I would not say it’s enjoyable, but I did get every achievement in Oblivion so…”

Jaskier really is the most enjoyable part of the Witcher show, huh?

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There may be some connection between how many people on the spectrum you meet online and how nerdy your interests are. Playing an almost 20 year old mmo will simply spike your statistics. Especially when you hang out with people who’ve played it for more than 10.

And adults you’ve only ever had written communications with will be extra difficult to peg as autistic because of how much easier it makes masking.

I kinda expect it to eventually get split into different kind of development issues. The brain is just really hard to study.

Achievements really are just warning signs, aren’t they?


…I enjoyed it on Xbox