Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Sword Art Online: Gun Gale season 2 has been announced.

Not even mad, since Gun Gale S1 was pretty okay.

There is a variety of good reasons people don’t get a formal diagnosis (money, the process of going through medical diagnosis often being a directed nightmare for any neurodivergent people, not wanting a government record of something they can be discriminated for*, etc) so it’s best not to try and medicalise something that doesn’t have a medical solution. If advice designed for someone with ADHD/autism helps someone, or they find community with people with similar traits/difficulties to them, I don’t really care.

With autism being a bundle of traits that aren’t definitive and often overlap with other conditions like ADD, it also means that when I describe something as autistic or say a character is autistic-coded, I’m not diagnosing anyone - but if you identify with several of those traits, idk maybe look it up see if an assessment would help you

*discrimination up to and including enforced DNR orders if you are unconscious btw


my psychologist wants me to get an ADHD test and it costs 200+ euros

i also want to get it tested just in case i do have it and maybe ADHD meds could help, but

ha hahhhhhhh


In my country you get financial help if you are diagnosed with a disability, though minor ones doesn’t count.

Because my disability is minor, I don’t get any help. I pay for the meds, for the noise canceling headphones, for the psychologist, and sometimes I simply can’t afford it. It stinks they don’t help us High-functioning people because we need help too. And being diagnosed is expensive! But what can you do. The world is unfair sometimes.

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I do get some financial help but it’s obviously very little. But still better than nothing!

The kicker for me, and why I’m fidgeting while waiting for Whenever medical decides Im through the waiting list (I have had no indication or rough timeline at all) is that there’s a bunch of traits/past experience that aligns more with ADHD than ASD. And that stuff can be medicated.

I’ve seen/had people say “Oh, but it’s bad to be on drugs for-” I do not care. I do. Not. Care. If it means I do not have to wage literal mental warfare against myself on a bad day to do the things I want to do, nevermind the things I don’t want to but NEED to do, because society demands it, I will take it.
I would very much like the opportunity to make important phonecalls without needing an entire day free for prep time, psych-up and execution, please and thank you :grimacing:

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Give me drugs, big pharma. I’ll take them all, no questions asked. Gimme gimme.


Not sure if that was a generic/general comment or aimed at me :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It could be both, who can say

Well, while I’m not denying that Corporations Are No Ones Friend, at the same time I think anything even approaching “No, (medical) drugs bad, you should only use natural means and methods!” is woefully ignorant at best, and genuinely harmful at worst.

Speaking as someone who has had family members on anti-deppresents and the like at one time or another, sometimes they absolutely are necessary. This isn’t the USA (thankfully) so I think a healthy dose of salt need applying to the sheer scale of ‘Big Pharma’ talk that they have and which still gets transplanted without context across the pond.

I mean, in an ideal world, sure; we’d be able to rely more on less of that, because Society would be structured and enlightened in such a way as to reduce stress, increase support, have the time and structure and understanding to massively reduce the pressures on people day to day.
But that would require us to not be in a Late Capitalist Hellscape, so…

I wasn’t disagreeing with you (give me drugs)

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you wouldn’t want my drugs (their main side effect is killing your libido)

Btw, the reason we know armour dye is in, is that the NDA for Baldur’s Gate 3 is over.
So some people may want to up their dodge rolls on youtube just in case. Not seen any spoilers (that weren’t from the panel) yet though.

This is Loras’s way of agreeing with you.
Trust me, I got a passing grade in Loras posting.


I take drugs with a similar effect.

It’s nice to be understood :relieved:

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Well, my bad then! :sweat_smile:
I am too used to the General Internet Brainrot (there is no known cure, ahah)

Shame that the early access to full release that happens between early access and full release has been clarified to not be a thing, so everyone gets full version only on august 3rd. Sad times.

I’m fine with it. I mean we got a month early instead of 3 days early… plus if you got the early access downloaded it lessens the amount of data you gotta download. Was mostly interested in the 3 days because of my slow internet and sometimes impatient friends.

I try :black_heart:

Went to pick up some RP gear in (sigh) Shadowlands, and it reminded me just how inconsequential that expansion with supposedly cosmic stakes was for Azeroth.

Oh no, the Jailer has kidnapped all of Azeroth’s architects of peace — oh wait, they’re back and nothing of note happened during their absence. Except Anduin, who’s free but off to do some… soul searching I guess.

For Azerothians, the expansion’s timeframe can safely be taken as part of “those five years when not much happened”, which I guess is the best I could hope for as a roleplayer, short of deleting the expansion from the game.


It’s the trouble with ‘event expansions’ like that and WoD, where nothing else changes - it’s somewhat true with Dragonflight even, where things haven’t really progressed in the world, but at least we’re still on Azeroth so we can easily cut away.

The world was fighting a renewed Scourge assault for the better part of a year and only one side quest in one covenant campaign makes even reference to it? not sure about that one


I tried out the cool new gear update feature on one of my alts, it

  1. downgraded my gear
  2. downgraded my bags
  3. did not clear out my quest log
    So that’s a solid -2/3. Could’ve been worse.