Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

That’s so cute!

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Woul’da been more relevant at the height of creepypasta popularity getting all the kids to watch this creepy old vhs we converted digitally the other day, a lengthy and false backstory added to piss off the ghost extra hard.

In my experience, likely a generational issue, we learn a very generic English english in school but then everything we’re exposed to in real life is american english via internet, games, movies etc and it messes with pronunciation and spelling.

I’m not sure if people’s english skills fell off hard since I graduated but we did “reform” education and grades by a lot along the lines of being good at taking tests = skill which is false but looks good statistically for people trying to privatise everything.

Love them.

I’ve held up okay, still getting carded when buying stuff. Grats on rotting less than most.

It’s also regional with stockholmer english being amazingly stilted due to inflection.

That’s almost half a meal!

Forgot about the scourge war. My headcanon is validated.


I did it on an alt too and regretted it. All my organization ruined…

Everytime I pass by Shadowlands to pick up transmogs and replay a few quests in the process shows me more and more about how that expansion copied Warhammer: Age of Sigmar bar for bar, to the point where I could put pictures of the Grand Alliance of Death next to concept art of Maldraxxus and Revendreth and someone who isn’t aware of the other’s existence wouldn’t bat an eye.


There are some decent OSTs in modern gaming, but the 90s and early 2000s were just an era where every single game seemed to have a soundtrack that slapped.

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Some of this can be attributed to these old tracks being actively composed into coherent pieces whereas some modern tracks used for ambience are compiled, mixed and layered from ready made, licensed sections. It’s a different creative process where the more traditional composition stands out.

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I have a weird love-hate relationship with the Foundation TV show.

I like the aesthetics and the production values, but the plot feels like the scriptwriters flipped through the book, shrugged, borrowed the most basic premise and a few character names, and tossed out the rest.

It’s a competently told original story, but it has very little in common with Asimov’s Foundation. I feel compelled to keep watching while grumbling how they turned the books’ message completely backwards.

And then, of course, there’s the part of the audience that only tunes in to watch a naked Lee Pace and doesn’t care about the plot.

Praying that the Three Body Problem series will be any good, honestly

I was in it for Hari’s actor
he’s weird and fun

Read the books how do the series differ?

Considering how hilariously depressing that book series is I guess it doesn’t matter if it’s really good or really bad because you’ll feel terrible either way.

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yeah but I want to feel the right kind of terrible

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Also feels like a bit of “Less is more” - limitations of the time meant they had to squeeze what they could out with what was available.

Now, just because you can slap everything and the kitchen sink in, doesn’t mean you should. A lot of modern tracks sound a lot messier as a result. There’s been a few Remastered games where I’ve had to swap the music back to the original, because the new stuff is just too… -flaps arms vaguely- Everything.

(There are exceptions, of course; Frank Klepacki & the Tiberian Sons going back through the C&C remaster soundtrack and absolutely bodying it out of the park? Oh Very Yes :ok_hand: )

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Age of Empires’ Definitive Editions continue to be the absolute pinnacle of what remasters ought to be


What are good Skyrim mods for character hair and facial textures?

Apachii sky hair and KS hairdoos are ones I used. They have some very much “modern” haircuts along with more setting appropriate stuff + extra lists if the base sets aren’t to your liking.

Faces are a bit more tricky, because you can either get full replacement mods or pull separate mods for brows, eyes, lips, etc. And suggestions will be different depending on where you want to end up on the scale between “vanilla, but improved” and “we’re playing any and every korean mmo now”.


AoE2 is what me and friends have been playing multiplayer recently.
It makes me chuckle that 2 is, from what I can tell, vastly better received/more popular than 4. 4 wasn’t bad from what I played, but 2 is just such a well polished diamond by this point.

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AoE4 was pretty fun! AoE2 is simply the greatest RTS game ever created at this point :sunglasses:


A great way to make children read the Terms of Service and know what horrible data selling they’re going to get into if we had just made a creepypasta being that lives in Terms of Service… wait a minute.

Well, mostly just 2 and 3. 1’s DE was so bad it got re-released in AoE2 as a DLC, but the launch of it was a complete mess.

AoE2:DE generally has been amazing, but the Xbox patch and AoE1:DLC version have caused a lot of bugs that have been hampering people’s experience thus far. I mean, it’s par the course for any AoE2 DLC, but this time it was really bad.

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i played crusader kings 3 and actually kind of understood what i was doing

i’ve taken so many cracks at this game trying to get into it so it’s wild that it’s actually starting to take

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