Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

May your megarandom games be full of muddy ice

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don’t forget ten nodes of gold for the entire map!

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how could I ever :sob:

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I don’t know much, but I know enough to say: Ew

It was warm last night so i opened the window while i was sleeping. I am only filled with regret. Something had a veritable feast on me. :pensive:

I’ve warned you before that Loras does that if you give them an opening, but you never listen. Now maybe you will.


Thats where I want to be.

I get hungry sometimes what’s the big deal

I love my gay son and wish him all happiness and prosperity you can have in medieval catholic society…

I am playing as the Ireland tutorial guy, I haven’t played long enough for the starting ruler to die and I am terrified when he will because I have a horrible feeling all of my hard won conquests are going to be split among various people.

I’ve almost conquered the whole of the emerald isle, please just let me keep it.


Rush to form the Kingdom of Ireland, then you won’t lose your main title and the realm won’t get split up, your kids will just get land/duchies beneath your main title.

I got about half, turning cousins into vassals and got claims to parts of spain.

I did get Kingdom of Ireland title. Who gets that title when I die? My son?

Whoever your main heir is, so presumably your oldest son. Your other kids will get duchies if you have any to give out.

Sweet. Panic over.

Basically, if you own more than one of your highest level rank (say, two duchies or two kingdoms) those will get split up between your heirs. Excluding once you’re empire level, they won’t get split unless you’ve actually formed the 2nd empire title. For lower level titles, if it’s possible to do so, the game will create titles.

So if you rule Ireland as a kingdom title but also own all the land that would make up the kingdom of Scotland, certain inheritance rules mean that on your death, your 2nd heir will get a newly formed Scotland as their king level title.

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No because now all the other kids will push to have the title of king unless they’re kept happy. :relieved:

your h-eire

I have a son and two daughters. I think I’m safe.

My first ruler is always designed to have high stewardship (I do custom ruler and keep to the 400 point limit), then I invest nearly everything into building up their capital county, including building extra castles if the option is available. That way, my successor’s siblings won’t be able to do squat because I massively centralised power during my previous reign.

This is also why I tend to pick starts with a 5+ barony count.