Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

lmao cumans


adding this to my blackmail compilation

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that’s the one.


Hate those zombie vultures. Make me simultaneously poop myself and suffer a heart attack whenever they swoop in

It’s just a shame that the level of flavour isn’t quite there but I think it’s an unfair comparison with CK2 considering how long that was running for. But we still don’t have playable republics. :angry:

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Hopefully with time. I’ve heard the Royal Court DLC is pretty good for adding flavour.

I think CK3’s flavour has pretty much caught up to/exceeded CK2 now. Tours and Tournaments took it over the line, esp since the game started with some of the major flavour DLC of CK2 (Way of Life → Lifestyles for example).

The main thing I miss from the previous game is societies. I liked being the archpriest of satan.

How is that related to CK3

Informs my decision-making.

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Also if people are into (fantasy) city builders (well, it’s more like a city state manager with recently added 4x mechanics) Songs of Syx is a good pickup.

Tours and tournaments is the only DLC worth its pricing at the moment, the court one was… it was quite light on actual content to be honest. The cultures are nice don’t get me wrong.

That’s just paradox being paradox. Judging purely on the quality of the DLC and what they add to the game and they’ve done a good job so far, but it’s definitely one of those “catch them on sale” deals for the most part. Northern Lords and Fate of Iberia both added some really good mechanics to the game going forward.

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Completely forgot about this one to be honest, (shows how often I play around in Spain). I’m surprised they didn’t use these mechanics in the UK with the Danelaw too tbh, it’s another good fit.

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They’ve added it with the colonisation of Greenland stuff alongside a heap of extra content, luv it.

Going to play as England and invade Spain just so the lads can go down to Malaga for a mental weekend in the sun. Also somewhere for all of my old people to go and retire.


They generally let you know they’re honing in on you by their cawing.

A night in the Donkey’s Flip Flop in Gibraltar… just like Anglican god intended…

who controls Ibiza in CK3 because if it isn’t the English then it soon will be

I think it’s under Umayyad/Umayyad successor state rulership in both start times

best scene in ff16

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All of my vassals want court positions but its impossible. Will it hurt me if i dont give them one.