Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Casting Ultima to spite expectations.

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I feel like Wakka does get unfairly hated on for his position on the Al Bhed when the dominant religion at the time teaches you that they are responsible for Sin continuing to return and wiping out nations.

He learns by the end that A. His faith and upbringing are based on a lie and B. That the Al Bhed are good people and arenā€™t what he was told.

Yeah itā€™s not an easy transition but at least he has it.

The accent thoughā€¦


Iā€™d have to get my Gomez Addamsā€™ game onā€“

but Iā€™d be thrilled to court Lulu


have you considered however that he is, and I quote, a ā€œbig meanieā€

(Itā€™s mostly for the memes, heā€™s not racist by FFX-2)

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I have a peeve with no realistic solution and it only makes me more peeved by the peeve. I have a lot of different RP characters I would like to get some sort of constant RP out of and yet for almost all of them they have no real reasons to be in a major city and thus no way to get any long-term RP.

My Dracthyr isnā€™t likely to go on a Stormwind tour, heā€™s busying pilgrimaging Titan sites, my Baradin Warden might go to a city but only realistically to resupply, my Paladin would prefer not dilly-dallying in a Cathedral.


the plight of coming up with cool character concepts


Blizzard when thereā€™s guild thread derailments, trolls rampant and every -ism and -phobia spilling over the place

Blizzard when thereā€™s ongoing, long term psycho stalker type harassment and you call them out for not doing anything.


The forums sure are the one of the things ever.

Have we talked about the new warhamner tyranid models yet?

Cus hohohohoHOHOHOHO

Happy cockroach noises

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My peeve is Drachtyr using growth potions and/or darkmoon firewater. Mfā€™er, youā€™re already one of the tallest races in your natural form, a growth pot just makes you look comically and horribly grotesque.

Also indeed: Post got flagged in that thread that got locked and Iā€™m just like ā€œSay wut.ā€

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To be honest, we have seen dracthyr being shorter and taller than the player model. Their proportions are messed up, but I guess thatā€™s what you get when you try the homonculus challenge with alchemy and dragons.

Taps sign

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what do you mean 12-13ft visage

Canā€™t say Iā€™ve seen that tall visages before!

Idk things were a lot bigger 20,000 years ago.
Or Dracthyr forgot what the square cube law was.

maths can be pretty hard so i guess i understand this poor dracthyr struggling to figure out how to size their visage

Norn. Emmissary.

Sssserve the Queeen!

Also damn, AoT had such good potential at the start.

Then the writer decided to spite everyone and turn it into his weird racist anime take on the protocols of the elders of zion.


God, donā€™t remind me.

The foreshadowing ending in Season 2 is bloody amazing though. Itā€™s got to be one of the few things that spawned out of that that left me with my jaw hanging once I went back to it.

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I still havenā€™t watched the last season, and then stuff like this reminds me why.
Same as the end of Voltron, which apparently went off the rails hard :pensive: