Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

oh look, another final fantasy 16 main story mission completed and i’m greeted upon my return to the hideaway with 7 new sidequests. i’m tired boss


never has my opinion of someone dropped so quickly

Re-installs Bloodborne.
Old Hunters DLC at 50% off.
Kill the first two skin-wolf-things on the bridge first time, manage to get an insight and level up before Cleric Beast, not risking my Blood Echoes.

An auspicious start. Maybe I’ll actually finish the game for once?
A hoonter must hoont~

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I got a slushy, life is good.

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name a better song

Dad update: he’s in the hospital, a few clots in the lungs and had 1.5L of fluid drained from a lung. We’ll go visit him tomorrow.

On a less sour note, they re-added a plague doctor costume in ESO and it slaps


I got a magic bag from the asian grocery place round the corner from work and - among other things - they appear to have included a single vaccuum packed egg. At least, I think it’s an egg. It’s egg-shaped. I can’t open it until I get home though.

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Thought about something in regards to BG3
went to check it in the game
“just gonna check this and then go back to waiting for full release”
“I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up.”

There’s a Mindflayer trying to drag me into it, I swear.

Grand us eyes

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mfw when i realise that i’ve married my heir off to a chaste woman which is why they still haven’t had kids

my line is going to die out very quickly

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:rainbow_flag: :question:

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I think playing Elden Ring so much and then coming back to BB has had an unexpected but beneficial effect on my reflexes and peformance.

Especially when it comes to parrying (aka Shooting Them In The Face) Im actually doing pretty well, as opposed to ERs multiple long wind ups/delayed swings, fake outs and general design of ‘How many news moves does this enemy have? Yes’.

It’s early days yet (Gascoigne is down, albeit after two tries; first time I fat-fingered the music box too early and wasn’t used to his moveset after so long, but second attempt he barely scratched me) and there’s still time for me to come back raging about how Blood Starved Beast is such horse muck :sweat_smile:

Remember: to the left


So I went to check if fresh addition to my collection was ready to start posting.

The inner workings of Blizzard are an enigma.


I think they’re watching me.


ESO is currently free to claim on the epic games store for anyone who cares to do so.

Unrelated, I’m going out for drinks with my team after work tomorrow to celebrate our manager’s position becoming permanent, and since they’re all indecisive “ooh I’m good with whatever…” I’ve wrangled us to go to the vietnamese restaurant I’ve wanted an excuse to try for the last six months. Ez. Gonna put this on my CV and steal a CEO position.

I should give ESO another try but currently I am trying to actually finish cyberpunk, by which I mean slowly transition into a stealth build because it’s hideously overpowered compared to anything else

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Quickhack build is so stupidly OP. Just walk around mind-exploding people before they even know you’re there, from the safety of your car 3 blocks away.
I ended up switching out into a shotgun run+gun build to get some variety in my life.

I hope the DLC’s mechanics changeup helps to balance it out somewhat.

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have you tried stealth archer?


probably also strong but a stealth takedown always one-hit kills regardless of enemy HP so it’s always better than everything else

hype trailer

BG3 at the start of august, AC6 at the end. Feasting.

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