Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

What the heck, Dragonflight world quests are actually kind of fun?

Interesting mechanics, fill-the-bar quests don’t take forever, no abysmal drop rates that artificially pad quest completion time?

What is this sorcery?

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There are still some stinkers (esp. in Zaralek Caverns) but they’re a vast vast improvement over Slands WQs.


ur a stinker

false, I showered just this morning, and I made sure to put on a bit of nice cologne too

some stink can’t be hidden. like yours.

i noticed and appreciated


(the entire zone is a stinker)

I liked…hmm…


I liked the little weekly dig minigame thing, that was a nice little five minute distraction.

That’s about it.

Yeah Dragonflight’s actually pretty fun, compared to Shadowlands which felt like I was personally in the depths of the maw being tortured for all eternity by figures i really don’t care about (it was very immersive)

i still haven’t finished the leveling campaign of dragonflight

i was enjoying it i guess, but it wasn’t enthralling and i had other stuff i wanted to play that didn’t cost me a monthly sub and didn’t require me to be tethered to my pc

also 69 is the funny number


Anyone seen the Barbie film yet and if so thoughts?

I give it a solid 9/10

Perfect casting (luv Gosling) and a good message

me and the missus are going to see it in a few weeks when her in laws are staying with us

i’m trying to convince her that we should also see oppenheimer, but she’s less keen on that

If you don’t watch them back to back is there really any point?

Also I’ve said as much before, but I think I enjoyed Shadowlands more than DF in its initial release. Not sure why, the story certainly wasn’t great, but I still had a shedload of fun.

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I think my problem was I forced myself to play Akamito when I really should have played my demon hunter, because that class when I first tried it at the end of BfA really unlocked a lot of fun in the game for me that I was missing.

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Barbie with the oppenheimer chaser is the correct viewing order.

I’m old and can barely stay awake through one move let alone two back to back


I played mage, didn’t like it, but stuck until it was fun. Also helped that I got to level 60 on four characters within the first month so I could do all the covenant stories. MM hunter was very fun, forming casual BG kill squads with double tab aimed shot.

Maybe if niffen as a whole didn’t make me incredibly uncomfortable i’d have done that minigame more than a single time


damn do i have to resub to wow what the hell

stop talking about wow on the argent dawn forums

If you want i can come with and keep you awake by shaking a bag of bingo balls every so often, old man.